var createWssocket = function(wsurl, onopen, handler) { var retsocket = {}; var wssocket = new WebSocket(wsurl); wssocket.onerror = function(error) { console.log(error); }; wssocket.onopen = onopen; wssocket.onclose = function(error) { }; retsocket.receiveSeg = function(obj) { if (obj.cid == 'start') { retsocket.toReceive = ""; } retsocket.toReceive +=; if (obj.cid == 'done') { // console.log("[receiveSeg] Received AllData:" + retsocket.toReceive); var event = {}; = retsocket.toReceive; retsocket.toReceive = ""; handler(event); } }; wssocket.onopen = function(error) { var pingObj = {}; pingObj.action = "ping"; wssocket.send(JSON.stringify(pingObj)); listContractProcess(); }; wssocket.onmessage = function(event) { var obj = JSON.parse(; switch (obj.action) { case 'sendNextSegment': retsocket.sendNextSegment(); break; case 'sendSeg': retsocket.receiveSeg(obj); break; default: handler(event); } }; retsocket.isSending = false; retsocket.sendList = []; retsocket.monitor = function() { if (!retsocket.isSending) { if (retsocket.sendList.length > 0) { retsocket.send(retsocket.sendList.pop()); } } setTimeout(retsocket.monitor, 1000); }; // TODO: we don't need monitor at all? retsocket.monitor(); retsocket.send = function(str) { if (str.length > 1024) { if (retsocket.isSending) { retsocket.sendList.push(str); return; } retsocket.isSending = true; retsocket.toSend = str.substr(1024); var obj = {}; obj.isSegment = true; = str.substr(0, 1024); wssocket.send(JSON.stringify(obj)); } else wssocket.send(str); }; retsocket.sendNextSegment = function() { var str = retsocket.toSend; if (str.length > 1024) { retsocket.toSend = str.substr(1024); var obj = {}; obj.isSegment = true; = str.substr(0, 1024); wssocket.send(JSON.stringify(obj)); } else { retsocket.toSend = ""; var obj = {}; obj.isSegment = false; = str; wssocket.send(JSON.stringify(obj)); retsocket.isSending = false; if (retsocket.sendList.length > 0) { retsocket.send(retsocket.sendList.pop()); } } }; return retsocket; }; // FirstWay:HttpGet(Automatically allocate privKey at server) // privKey is not necessary. Privkey can be generated from: // if needed // Sample URL: // // Sample CURL Commnad: curl // '' // -H 'Referer:' -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; // Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) // Chrome/72.0.3626.119 Safari/537.36' --compressed // SecondWay:jquery.ajax, jsonp // use this way to "Cross Domain" global = {}; privKey = sm2.generateKeyPairHex(); $.ajax({ url : "", data : { "action" : "executeContract", "contractID" : "abc", "operation" : "main", "arg" : "[{\"score\":20},{\"score\":20}]", }, dataType : "jsonp" }).done(function(result) { global.r = result; // console.log(result); }); $.ajax( { url : "", data : { "action" : "executeContract", "contractID" : "abc", "operation" : "main", "arg" : "[{\"score\":20},{\"score\":20}]", "requester" : privKey.publicKey, "signature" : sm2.doSignature( "abc|main|[{\"score\":20},{\"score\":20}]|" + privKey.publicKey, privKey.privateKey) }, dataType : "jsonp" }).done(function(result) { global.r = result; // console.log(result); }); // ThirdWay:websocket // Leverage "createWssocket" var url = "ws://"; global = {}; WSHandler = function(a) { console.log("ReceiveMsg:"); global.a = a; // console.log(a); } wssocket = createWssocket(url, WSHandler); var content = {}; privKey = sm2.generateKeyPairHex(); content.action = "main"; content.arg = "[{\"score\":20},{\"score\":20}]"; var request = {}; request.action = "executeContract"; request.contractID = "abc"; request.arg = JSON.stringify(content); request.pubkey = privKey.publicKey; // contractID + "|" + action + "|" + arg + "|" + requester; request.signature = sm2.doSignature(request.contractID + "|" + content.action + "|" + content.arg + "|" + privKey.publicKey, privKey.privateKey); // Wait until connected wssocket.send(JSON.stringify(request)); // SendMock // Sample URL: // http://localhost:8080/SCIDE/SCManager?action=sendMockTransaction&count=1000