89 lines
3.0 KiB
Protocol Buffer
89 lines
3.0 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
package bdchain.api;
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "bdchain/api/common.proto";
option go_package = "bdchain/sdk/api/grpc/txledger";
option java_package = "bdchain.api.grpc.txledger";
option java_outer_classname = "TransactionLedgerProto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
service TransactionLedger {
rpc ClientVersion (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (ClientVersionResponse);
rpc CreateLedger (CreateLedgerRequest) returns (CreateLedgerResponse);
rpc GetLedgers (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (GetLedgersResponse);
rpc BlockCount (BlockCountRequest) returns (BlockCountResponse);
rpc GetBlocks (GetBlocksRequest) returns (GetBlocksResponse);
rpc SendTransaction (SendTransactionRequest) returns (SendTransactionResponse);
message Transaction {
bytes block_hash = 1; // 事务所在的区块的哈希,当事务处于待确认状态时为`null`
uint32 index = 2; // 事务在区块中的位置 index,当事务处于待确认状态时为`null`
bytes hash = 3; // 事务的哈希
TransactionType type = 4; // 事务类型
bytes from = 5; // 发送账户地址
uint64 nonce = 6; // 这条事务之前发送者所发送的事务数量
bytes to = 7; // 接收账户地址,或者调用的合约地址,或者`null`如为合约创建
bytes data = 8; // 数据或合约代码
bytes v = 9; // ECDSA recovery id
bytes r = 10; // ECDSA signature r
bytes s = 11; // ECDSA signature s
message Block {
uint64 index = 1; // 事务链本地区块索引,当区块处于待确认状态时为`null`
bytes hash = 2; // 区块的哈希,当区块处于待确认状态时为`null`
repeated bytes parent_hashes = 3; // 父区块的哈希
repeated bytes witnesses = 4; // 见证者账户地址
int64 timestamp = 5; // 区块产生时的 UNIX 时间戳,单位为秒
uint64 size = 6; // 区块大小的字节数
bytes transactions_root = 7; // 区块的事务树根
repeated Transaction transactions = 8; // 事务对象的数组,或为空
repeated bytes transaction_hashes = 9; // 32字节的交易哈希的数组,或为空
message CreateLedgerRequest {
string name = 1;
message CreateLedgerResponse {
bool ok = 1;
message GetLedgersResponse {
repeated string ledgers = 1;
message BlockCountRequest {
string ledger = 1;
message BlockCountResponse {
uint64 block_count = 1;
message GetBlocksRequest {
string ledger = 1;
uint64 from_index = 2;
uint32 count = 3; // Optional, default to 10, max value is 10
bool full_transaction = 4;
message GetBlocksResponse {
repeated Block blocks = 1;
message SendTransactionRequest {
string ledger = 1;
message Transaction {
TransactionType type = 1;
bytes from = 2;
bytes to = 3;
bytes data = 4;
Transaction transaction = 2;
message SendTransactionResponse {
bytes hash = 1;