mirror of
synced 2025-01-10 01:44:05 +00:00
build: config spotless plugin and reformat code
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ plugins {
id 'application'
apply from: '../spotless.gradle'
mainClassName = 'org.bdware.server.NodeCenterServer'
application {
@ -2,85 +2,84 @@ package org.bdware.sc.udp;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class UDPMessage implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8103830946473687985L;
int isPart = 0;
public UDPMessageType type;
public int id; // 要标记sender
int order;
int requestID;
byte[] content;
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8103830946473687985L;
int isPart = 0;
public UDPMessageType type;
public int id; // 要标记sender
int order;
int requestID;
byte[] content;
public UDPMessage() {
public UDPMessage() {}
public void setIsPart(boolean isPart) {
this.isPart = isPart ? 1 : 0;
public void setIsPart(boolean isPart) {
this.isPart = isPart ? 1 : 0;
public void setContent(byte[] content) {
this.content = content;
public void setContent(byte[] content) {
this.content = content;
public byte[] getContent() {
return content;
public byte[] getContent() {
return content;
static int Len = 6000;// 1000
static int Len = 6000;// 1000
public List<UDPMessage> split() {
List<UDPMessage> splited = new ArrayList<>();
// System.out.println("[UDPMessage split] content.length" + content.length);
if (content.length < Len) {
return splited;
for (int i = 0; i < content.length; i += Len) {
UDPMessage msg = new UDPMessage();
msg.isPart = 1;
msg.id = this.id;
msg.order = i / Len;
if (i + Len > content.length) {
msg.content = new byte[content.length - i];
System.arraycopy(content, i, msg.content, 0, content.length - i);
} else {
msg.content = new byte[Len];
System.arraycopy(content, i, msg.content, 0, Len);
return splited;
public List<UDPMessage> split() {
List<UDPMessage> splited = new ArrayList<>();
// System.out.println("[UDPMessage split] content.length" + content.length);
if (content.length < Len) {
return splited;
for (int i = 0; i < content.length; i += Len) {
UDPMessage msg = new UDPMessage();
msg.isPart = 1;
msg.id = this.id;
msg.order = i / Len;
if (i + Len > content.length) {
msg.content = new byte[content.length - i];
System.arraycopy(content, i, msg.content, 0, content.length - i);
} else {
msg.content = new byte[Len];
System.arraycopy(content, i, msg.content, 0, Len);
return splited;
public byte[] toByteArray() {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bo = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream output;
output = new ObjectOutputStream(bo);
return bo.toByteArray();
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
public byte[] toByteArray() {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bo = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream output;
output = new ObjectOutputStream(bo);
return bo.toByteArray();
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
public static UDPMessage parse(byte[] data, int len) {
try {
ByteArrayInputStream bi = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
ObjectInputStream input = new ObjectInputStream(bi);
return (UDPMessage) input.readObject();
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
public static UDPMessage parse(byte[] data, int len) {
try {
ByteArrayInputStream bi = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
ObjectInputStream input = new ObjectInputStream(bi);
return (UDPMessage) input.readObject();
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
@ -3,5 +3,5 @@ package org.bdware.sc.udp;
import java.io.Serializable;
public enum UDPMessageType implements Serializable {
shakeHand, request, reply
shakeHand, request, reply
@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ import java.net.SocketAddress;
import org.bdware.sc.conn.Node;
public class UDPNode extends Node {
public UDPNode(SocketAddress addr) {
this.addr = addr;
public UDPNode(SocketAddress addr) {
this.addr = addr;
public int id;
public long lastUpdatedTime;
public SocketAddress addr;
public int id;
public long lastUpdatedTime;
public SocketAddress addr;
public String getAddr() {
InetSocketAddress inet4 = (InetSocketAddress) addr;
return inet4.getHostString() + ":" + inet4.getPort();
public String getAddr() {
InetSocketAddress inet4 = (InetSocketAddress) addr;
return inet4.getHostString() + ":" + inet4.getPort();
@ -53,17 +53,15 @@ public class NodeCenterServer {
static SslContext sslContext = null;
public static URLClassLoader pluginLoader;
// static byte[] delimiter = "wonbifoodie".getBytes();
// static byte[] delimiter = "wonbifoodie".getBytes();
static {
// TimeDBUtil.setupNC();
// TimeDBUtil.setupNC();
@ -102,7 +100,7 @@ public class NodeCenterServer {
private static String[] parseStrAsList(String str) {
if (str == null) {
return new String[]{};
return new String[] {};
return str.split(",");
@ -125,18 +123,18 @@ public class NodeCenterServer {
try {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(keyFile));
String pubKey = br.readLine();
String nowManager =
NCTables.ConfigDB.toString(), NCManagerAction.centerManger);
String nowManager = KeyValueDBUtil.instance.getValue(NCTables.ConfigDB.toString(),
// manager.key is used when node manager isn' set
if (null == nowManager || nowManager.isEmpty()) {
NCTables.ConfigDB.toString(), NCManagerAction.centerManger, pubKey);
NCTables.ConfigDB.toString(), NCManagerAction.clusterName, "clusterName_" + pubKey.substring(0, 5));
KeyValueDBUtil.instance.setValue(NCTables.NodeUser.toString(), pubKey, Role.CenterManager.toString());
NCTables.NodeTime.toString(), pubKey, Long.toString(new Date().getTime()));
NCManagerAction.centerManger, pubKey);
NCManagerAction.clusterName, "clusterName_" + pubKey.substring(0, 5));
KeyValueDBUtil.instance.setValue(NCTables.NodeUser.toString(), pubKey,
KeyValueDBUtil.instance.setValue(NCTables.NodeTime.toString(), pubKey,
Long.toString(new Date().getTime()));
LOGGER.info("set node manager from manager.key");
} catch (IOException ignored) {
@ -148,7 +146,7 @@ public class NodeCenterServer {
// System.out.println("PORT"+cmf.servicePort);
public static void listenSocket(int port) throws Exception {
@ -157,25 +155,21 @@ public class NodeCenterServer {
EventLoopGroup workerGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();
ServerBootstrap b = new ServerBootstrap();
b.option(ChannelOption.ALLOCATOR, PooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT);
b.group(bossGroup, workerGroup)
.option(ChannelOption.SO_BACKLOG, 100)
new ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>() {
protected void initChannel(SocketChannel arg0) {
.addLast(new DelimiterCodec())
.addLast(new NodeCenterFrameHandler());
b.group(bossGroup, workerGroup).channel(NioServerSocketChannel.class)
.option(ChannelOption.SO_BACKLOG, 100).localAddress(port)
.childHandler(new ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>() {
protected void initChannel(SocketChannel arg0) {
arg0.pipeline().addLast(new DelimiterCodec())
.addLast(new NodeCenterFrameHandler());
public static void startHttp(int port) {
File[] pluginJar = new File("./pluginLib/")
.listFiles(pathname -> pathname.getName().endsWith(".jar"));
File[] pluginJar =
new File("./pluginLib/").listFiles(pathname -> pathname.getName().endsWith(".jar"));
URL[] urls;
if (pluginJar != null && pluginJar.length > 0) {
urls = new URL[pluginJar.length];
@ -188,7 +182,7 @@ public class NodeCenterServer {
} else {
urls = new URL[]{};
urls = new URL[] {};
pluginLoader = new URLClassLoader(urls, NodeCenterServer.class.getClassLoader());
LOGGER.info("start at: " + port);
@ -199,9 +193,7 @@ public class NodeCenterServer {
ServerBootstrap b = new ServerBootstrap();
ControlledChannelInitializer initializer = new ControlledChannelInitializer();
b.option(ChannelOption.ALLOCATOR, PooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT);
b.group(bossGroup, workerGroup)
b.group(bossGroup, workerGroup).channel(NioServerSocketChannel.class).localAddress(port)
final Channel ch = b.bind(port).sync().channel();
@ -233,12 +225,9 @@ public class NodeCenterServer {
} else {
LOGGER.warn("disable ssl");
.addLast(new HttpServerCodec())
.addLast(new HttpObjectAggregator(65536))
arg0.pipeline().addLast(new HttpServerCodec()).addLast(new HttpObjectAggregator(65536))
.addLast(new WebSocketServerProtocolHandler(PATH, null, true))
.addLast(new ChunkedWriteHandler())
.addLast(new ChunkedWriteHandler()).addLast(handler)
.addLast(new NodeCenterWSFrameHandler());
@ -16,15 +16,16 @@ public class DistributeCallback extends ResultCallback {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(DistributeCallback.class);
String sponsorPubkey;// 发起节点的
Map<String, String> nodes;
String pubKey; //发起节点的用户公钥
String pubKey; // 发起节点的用户公钥
String signature; // 发起节点的
int count; // 集群中几个节点已成功启动
ResultCallback res; // 返回给Node
String fileName; // ypk的文件名
int index;
String distributeID; //发起节点的分发id
String distributeID; // 发起节点的分发id
public DistributeCallback(String ss, String sponID, Map<String, String> n, ResultCallback re, String p, String s) {
public DistributeCallback(String ss, String sponID, Map<String, String> n, ResultCallback re,
String p, String s) {
distributeID = ss;
count = 0;
index = 1;
@ -67,14 +68,10 @@ public class DistributeCallback extends ResultCallback {
public void onDistribute(String progress, String nodeIP) {
Map<String, String> ret2 = new HashMap<>();
ret2.put("action", "onDistributeContract");
"NC is sending ypk to NO."
+ index
+ " node in the units,progress is "
+ progress
+ "%.");
if (progress.equals("100.00")) index++;
ret2.put("progress", "NC is sending ypk to NO." + index + " node in the units,progress is "
+ progress + "%.");
if (progress.equals("100.00"))
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("action", "onDistribute");
@ -111,7 +108,7 @@ public class DistributeCallback extends ResultCallback {
map_send.put("nodeIP", nodeIP);
map_send.put("content", JsonUtil.toJson(ret2));
//NC delete file
// NC delete file
File file = new File("./temp/stateFiles/" + fileName);
if (file.exists() && file.isFile())
@ -123,27 +120,27 @@ public class DistributeCallback extends ResultCallback {
public void onResult(String str) {
LOGGER.info("[DistributeCallback] str=" + str);
Map<String, String> map = JsonUtil.fromJson(str, new TypeToken<Map<String, String>>() {
Map<String, String> map =
JsonUtil.fromJson(str, new TypeToken<Map<String, String>>() {}.getType());
NodeCenterActions.sync.sleepWithTimeout(map.get("requestID"), this, 60);
String operation = map.get("operation");
switch (operation) {
// 上传到nodecenter
case "NCreceive":
// 开始分发给各个节点
case "distribute":
distributeContractProject(map.get("receiveFileName"), map.get("isPrivate"));
// 分发给各个节点
case "onDistribute":
onDistribute(map.get("progress"), map.get("nodeIP"));
// 各个节点返回收到
case "onReceive":
@ -25,27 +25,26 @@ public class RequestAllExecutor implements ContractExecutor {
resultCount = count;
public ResultCallback createResultCallback(
final String requestID, final ResultCallback originalCb, int count, String contractID) {
public ResultCallback createResultCallback(final String requestID,
final ResultCallback originalCb, int count, String contractID) {
return new Collector(requestID, originalCb, count, contractID);
//only for test ADSP
// public ResultCallback createResultCallback(
// final String requestID, final ResultCallback originalCb, int count,String contractID,String seq) {
// ResultCallback collector = new Collector(requestID, originalCb, count,contractID,seq);
// return collector;
// }
// only for test ADSP
// public ResultCallback createResultCallback(
// final String requestID, final ResultCallback originalCb, int count,String contractID,String
// seq) {
// ResultCallback collector = new Collector(requestID, originalCb, count,contractID,seq);
// return collector;
// }
public void sendRequest(String req, ResultCallback collector) {
List<String> nodes = info.members;
for (String node : nodes) {
CMNode cmNode = NodeCenterActions.nodeInfos.get(node);
if (cmNode == null) {
"{\"status\":\"Error\",\"result\":\"node "
+ node
+ " offline\",\"action\":\"onExecuteContractTrustfully\"}");
collector.onResult("{\"status\":\"Error\",\"result\":\"node " + node
+ " offline\",\"action\":\"onExecuteContractTrustfully\"}");
} else {
@ -57,12 +56,13 @@ public class RequestAllExecutor implements ContractExecutor {
JsonObject jo2 = JsonParser.parseString(req).getAsJsonObject();
String id = jo2.get("contractID").getAsString();
//only for test ADSP
// ResultCallback collector = createResultCallback(requestID, rc, resultCount,id,jo2.get("seq").getAsString());
// only for test ADSP
// ResultCallback collector = createResultCallback(requestID, rc,
// resultCount,id,jo2.get("seq").getAsString());
ResultCallback collector = createResultCallback(requestID, rc, resultCount, id);
//TODO NC.sync?有问题?
// TODO NC.sync?有问题?
NodeCenterActions.sync.sleep(requestID, collector);
sendRequest(req, collector);
@ -74,20 +74,20 @@ public class RequestAllExecutor implements ContractExecutor {
AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(0);
//only for testADSP
// boolean flag = true; //true表示还没在文件中记录这次调用结果
// String seq;
// Map<String,Integer> res = new ConcurrentHashMap<String,Integer>();
// only for testADSP
// boolean flag = true; //true表示还没在文件中记录这次调用结果
// String seq;
// Map<String,Integer> res = new ConcurrentHashMap<String,Integer>();
//only for test ADSP
// public Collector(String reqID, ResultCallback callback, int c,String id,String seq2) {
// total = c;
// requestID = reqID;
// commiter = callback;
// contractID = id;
// seq = seq2;
// }
// only for test ADSP
// public Collector(String reqID, ResultCallback callback, int c,String id,String seq2) {
// total = c;
// requestID = reqID;
// commiter = callback;
// contractID = id;
// seq = seq2;
// }
ResultCallback committer;
public Collector(String reqID, ResultCallback callback, int c, String id) {
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ public class RequestAllExecutor implements ContractExecutor {
obj.addProperty("seqNum", count.getAndIncrement());
obj.addProperty("total", total);
// NodeCenterActions.recoverMap.get(nodePubKey).get(contractID).lastExeSeq++;
if (committer != null)
@ -125,47 +125,45 @@ public class RequestAllExecutor implements ContractExecutor {
String data = obj.get("data").getAsString();
ContractResult cr = JsonUtil.fromJson(data, ContractResult.class);
//only for testADSP
// if(TestADSP.getFlag()){
// String r = cr.result;
// if(!res.containsKey(r)){
// res.put(r,0);
// }
// int former = res.get(r);
// res.put(r,++former);
// for(String s : res.keySet()){
// if(res.get(s) > total / 2 && flag){
// //写入文件
// File file = new File(TestADSP.resultPath);
// synchronized (file){
// try {
// FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file, true);
// PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(fw);
// pw.println(seq + " " + r);
// pw.flush();
// fw.flush();
// pw.close();
// fw.close();
// } catch (IOException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// }
// flag = false;
// }
// }
// }
// only for testADSP
// if(TestADSP.getFlag()){
// String r = cr.result;
// if(!res.containsKey(r)){
// res.put(r,0);
// }
// int former = res.get(r);
// res.put(r,++former);
// for(String s : res.keySet()){
// if(res.get(s) > total / 2 && flag){
// //写入文件
// File file = new File(TestADSP.resultPath);
// synchronized (file){
// try {
// FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file, true);
// PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(fw);
// pw.println(seq + " " + r);
// pw.flush();
// fw.flush();
// pw.close();
// fw.close();
// } catch (IOException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// }
// flag = false;
// }
// }
// }
/* if (cr.status == ContractResult.Status.Error) { //TODO 规范Status的使用 改成 ==Statuc.Error才恢复
String nodePubKey = obj.get("nodeID").getAsString();
ContractRecord record = NodeCenterActions.recoverMap.get(nodePubKey).get(contractID);
if(record.recoverFlag == RecoverFlag.Fine){
record.recoverFlag = RecoverFlag.ToRecover;
* if (cr.status == ContractResult.Status.Error) { //TODO 规范Status的使用 改成
* ==Statuc.Error才恢复 String nodePubKey = obj.get("nodeID").getAsString();
* if(NodeCenterActions.recoverMap.containsKey(nodePubKey)){ ContractRecord record =
* NodeCenterActions.recoverMap.get(nodePubKey).get(contractID);
* if(record.recoverFlag == RecoverFlag.Fine){ record.recoverFlag =
* RecoverFlag.ToRecover; MasterActions.restartContracts(nodePubKey); } } }
@ -26,18 +26,17 @@ public class RequestOnceExecutor implements ContractExecutor {
JsonObject jo2 = (new JsonParser()).parse(req).getAsJsonObject();
String contractID = jo2.get("contractID").getAsString();
ResultCallback cb =
new ResultCallback() {
public void onResult(String str) {
JsonObject jo = (new JsonParser()).parse(str).getAsJsonObject();
jo.addProperty("action", "onExecuteResult");
ResultCallback cb = new ResultCallback() {
public void onResult(String str) {
JsonObject jo = (new JsonParser()).parse(str).getAsJsonObject();
jo.addProperty("action", "onExecuteResult");
NodeCenterActions.sync.sleep(requestID, cb);
for (int i = 0; i < info.members.size(); i++) {
int size = info.members.size();
@ -49,8 +48,7 @@ public class RequestOnceExecutor implements ContractExecutor {
"{\"status\":\"Error\",\"result\":\"all nodes "
+ " offline\",\"action\":\"onExecuteContract\"}");
rc.onResult("{\"status\":\"Error\",\"result\":\"all nodes "
+ " offline\",\"action\":\"onExecuteContract\"}");
@ -32,31 +32,30 @@ public class ResponseOnceExecutor implements ContractExecutor {
JsonObject jo2 = (new JsonParser()).parse(req).getAsJsonObject();
String contractID = jo2.get("contractID").getAsString();
// TODO 标注失效节点,是否选择重新迁移??
ResultCallback cb =
new ResultCallback() {
public void onResult(String str) {
JsonObject jo = (new JsonParser()).parse(str).getAsJsonObject();
jo.addProperty("action", "onExecuteResult");
if (jo.has("data")) {
String data = jo.get("data").getAsString();
ContractResult cr = JsonUtil.fromJson(data, ContractResult.class);
if (cr.status != ContractResult.Status.Success && count > 0) {
executeInternal(requestID, rc, req, count - 1);
} else
} else {
JsonObject jo2 = new JsonObject();
jo2.addProperty("action", "onExecuteResult");
jo2.addProperty("data", jo.toString());
ResultCallback cb = new ResultCallback() {
public void onResult(String str) {
JsonObject jo = (new JsonParser()).parse(str).getAsJsonObject();
jo.addProperty("action", "onExecuteResult");
if (jo.has("data")) {
String data = jo.get("data").getAsString();
ContractResult cr = JsonUtil.fromJson(data, ContractResult.class);
if (cr.status != ContractResult.Status.Success && count > 0) {
executeInternal(requestID, rc, req, count - 1);
} else
} else {
JsonObject jo2 = new JsonObject();
jo2.addProperty("action", "onExecuteResult");
jo2.addProperty("data", jo.toString());
NodeCenterActions.sync.sleepWithTimeout(requestID, cb, 5);
if (!sendOnce(req))
@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ public class CMNode {
contracts = cons;
contractVersion = version;
for (ContractDesp desp : cons) {
NCTables.ContractMeta.toString(), desp.contractID, desp.contractName);
KeyValueDBUtil.instance.setValue(NCTables.ContractMeta.toString(), desp.contractID,
@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ public class CMNode {
if (null != contracts) {
for (ContractDesp desp : contracts) {
if (desp.contractID.equals(contractIDOrName)
|| desp.contractName.equals(contractIDOrName)) return true;
|| desp.contractName.equals(contractIDOrName))
return true;
return false;
@ -79,14 +80,15 @@ public class CMNode {
try {
if (!connection.controller.isOpen()) {
LOGGER.info("node " + nodeName + "(" + pubKey.substring(0, 5) + ") may be offline!");
// System.out.println(
// new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
// .format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()))
// + "[ADSP][CMNode] isAlive : "
// + nodeName
// + " not open!"
// + "\n");
"node " + nodeName + "(" + pubKey.substring(0, 5) + ") may be offline!");
// System.out.println(
// new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
// .format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()))
// + "[ADSP][CMNode] isAlive : "
// + nodeName
// + " not open!"
// + "\n");
return doubleCheckAlive();
} else {
return true;
@ -116,10 +118,8 @@ public class CMNode {
LOGGER.debug("removeCIManager" + string);
int start = this.cimanager.indexOf(string);
if (start > 0) {
this.cimanager =
.substring(0, start)
.concat(this.cimanager.substring(start + 130));
this.cimanager = this.cimanager.substring(0, start)
.concat(this.cimanager.substring(start + 130));
@ -34,14 +34,9 @@ public class CheckAgentAliveTimer extends TimerTask {
if (null != info.contracts && !info.contracts.isEmpty()) {
for (ContractDesp cd : info.contracts) {
//注意 选举不通过NC的机制触发。
"checkAlive---- 设置节点 "
+ info.pubKey.substring(0, 5)
+ " 的合约 "
+ cd.contractID
+ " isMaster="
+ false);
// 注意 选举不通过NC的机制触发。
LOGGER.info("checkAlive---- 设置节点 " + info.pubKey.substring(0, 5) + " 的合约 "
+ cd.contractID + " isMaster=" + false);
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package org.bdware.server.nodecenter;
import org.bdware.sc.conn.ResultCallback;
import org.bdware.sc.conn.ResultCallback;
public interface ContractExecutor {
public void execute(String requestID, ResultCallback rc, String req);
@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
// NC
public class ElectMasterTimeRecorder {
public static Long startElect; //NC开始选举
public static Long findNewMaster; //NC选出新master
public static Long startElect; // NC开始选举
public static Long findNewMaster; // NC选出新master
public static String newMaster;
public static Long changeMasterFinish; //新master在NC上更新路由信息
public static Long changeMasterFinish; // 新master在NC上更新路由信息
public static Map nodeFindMasterCrash = new HashMap<String,Long>(); //nodeID,electMaster调用时间
public static Map nodeFindMasterCrash = new HashMap<String, Long>(); // nodeID,electMaster调用时间
@ -49,9 +49,7 @@ public class FileActions {
return ret != null && ret.equals("locked");
method = org.bdware.server.http.HttpMethod.POST,
value = {"/upload"})
@URIPath(method = org.bdware.server.http.HttpMethod.POST, value = {"/upload"})
public static void handleUploadRequest(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FullHttpRequest request) {
LOGGER.info("[FileActions] handleUploadRequest : ");
// Upload method is POST
@ -65,18 +63,12 @@ public class FileActions {
if (!transformedParam.containsKey("fileName")
|| !transformedParam.containsKey("order")
|| !transformedParam.containsKey("count")
|| !transformedParam.containsKey("pubKey")
if (!transformedParam.containsKey("fileName") || !transformedParam.containsKey("order")
|| !transformedParam.containsKey("count") || !transformedParam.containsKey("pubKey")
|| !transformedParam.containsKey("sign")) {
DefaultFullHttpResponse fullResponse =
new DefaultFullHttpResponse(
"{\"status\":\"false\",\"data\":\"Missing argument!\"}"
DefaultFullHttpResponse fullResponse = new DefaultFullHttpResponse(
request.protocolVersion(), OK, Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(
"{\"status\":\"false\",\"data\":\"Missing argument!\"}".getBytes()));
ChannelFuture f = ctx.write(fullResponse);
@ -84,10 +76,8 @@ public class FileActions {
// 验签
// HttpMethod method = request.method();
String uri =
.split("\\?")[1]; // http请求中规定签名必须是最后一个且公钥名必须为pubKey,否则验签失败
// HttpMethod method = request.method();
String uri = URLDecoder.decode(request.uri()).split("\\?")[1]; // http请求中规定签名必须是最后一个且公钥名必须为pubKey,否则验签失败
int index = uri.lastIndexOf('&');
String str = uri.substring(0, index);
@ -115,9 +105,8 @@ public class FileActions {
Method mm;
Action a = null;
try {
mm =
"uploadFile", JsonObject.class, ResultCallback.class);
mm = FileActions.class.getDeclaredMethod("uploadFile", JsonObject.class,
a = mm.getAnnotation(Action.class);
} catch (SecurityException | NoSuchMethodException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
@ -147,28 +136,17 @@ public class FileActions {
status = "accept";
+ action
+ "\",\"pubKey\":\""
+ transformedParam.get("pubKey")
+ "\",\"status\":\""
+ status
+ "\",\"date\":"
+ System.currentTimeMillis()
"{\"action\":\"" + action + "\",\"pubKey\":\"" + transformedParam.get("pubKey")
+ "\",\"status\":\"" + status + "\",\"date\":" + System.currentTimeMillis()
+ "}");
// logger.info("[CMHttpHandler] flag = " + flag + " flag2 = " + flag2);
if (!flag || !flag2) {
DefaultFullHttpResponse fullResponse =
new DefaultFullHttpResponse(
"{\"status\":\"false\",\"data\":\"Permission denied!\"}"
DefaultFullHttpResponse fullResponse = new DefaultFullHttpResponse(
request.protocolVersion(), OK, Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(
"{\"status\":\"false\",\"data\":\"Permission denied!\"}".getBytes()));
ChannelFuture f = ctx.write(fullResponse);
@ -191,27 +169,24 @@ public class FileActions {
File target = new File(dir, fileName);
if (fileName.contains("..")) {
DefaultFullHttpResponse fullResponse =
new DefaultFullHttpResponse(
"{\"status\":\"false\",\"data\":\"FileName illegal!\"}"
DefaultFullHttpResponse fullResponse = new DefaultFullHttpResponse(
request.protocolVersion(), OK, Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(
"{\"status\":\"false\",\"data\":\"FileName illegal!\"}".getBytes()));
ChannelFuture f = ctx.write(fullResponse);
// LOGGER.info(request.refCnt());
// httpDecoder.offer(request);
// LOGGER.info(request.refCnt());
// LOGGER.info(request.refCnt());
// httpDecoder.offer(request);
// LOGGER.info(request.refCnt());
FileOutputStream fout;
if (order == 0) {
try {
LOGGER.debug("Path:" + target.getAbsolutePath());
if (!target.getParentFile().exists()) target.getParentFile().mkdirs();
if (!target.getParentFile().exists())
fout = new FileOutputStream(target, false);
fileMap.put(target.getAbsolutePath(), fout);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
@ -232,22 +207,21 @@ public class FileActions {
// String doi = unzipIfYpk(target, dir);
// String doi = unzipIfYpk(target, dir);
String doi = null;
if (null != doi) {
retStr = retStr.replaceFirst("null", doi);
DefaultFullHttpResponse fullResponse =
new DefaultFullHttpResponse(
request.protocolVersion(), OK, Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(retStr.getBytes()));
DefaultFullHttpResponse fullResponse = new DefaultFullHttpResponse(
request.protocolVersion(), OK, Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(retStr.getBytes()));
fullResponse.headers().add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
ChannelFuture f = ctx.write(fullResponse);
private static void writeChunk(
ChannelHandlerContext ctx, HttpPostRequestDecoder httpDecoder, File file) {
private static void writeChunk(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, HttpPostRequestDecoder httpDecoder,
File file) {
try {
if (!file.exists()) {
@ -274,19 +248,14 @@ public class FileActions {
@URIPath(method = HttpMethod.OPTIONS)
public static void crossOrigin(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FullHttpRequest request) {
DefaultFullHttpResponse fullResponse =
new DefaultFullHttpResponse(
DefaultFullHttpResponse fullResponse = new DefaultFullHttpResponse(
request.protocolVersion(), OK, Unpooled.wrappedBuffer("success".getBytes()));
fullResponse.headers().add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
"Content-Type, Cookie, Accept-Encoding, User-Agent, Host, Referer, " +
"X-Requested-With, Accept, Accept-Language, Cache-Control, Connection");
"Content-Type, Cookie, Accept-Encoding, User-Agent, Host, Referer, "
+ "X-Requested-With, Accept, Accept-Language, Cache-Control, Connection");
ChannelFuture f = ctx.write(fullResponse);
LOGGER.info("[OOOOOOOOption] received!");
@ -338,10 +307,8 @@ public class FileActions {
// 文本文件
if (!path.contains("..") && isTextFile(path)) {
LOGGER.debug("[FileActions] 上传文本文件类型 : ");
BufferedWriter bw =
new BufferedWriter(
new FileWriter(
target.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + fileName, isAppend));
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(
new FileWriter(target.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + fileName, isAppend));
} else { // 其他类型文件
@ -426,10 +393,7 @@ public class FileActions {
File f = new File(parPath + "/" + oldFile);
if (!oldFile.contains("..") && f.exists()) {
"[FileController] delete:"
+ f.getAbsolutePath()
+ " exists:"
+ f.exists());
"[FileController] delete:" + f.getAbsolutePath() + " exists:" + f.exists());
response.data = "success";
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.bdware.sc.conn.ResultCallback;
import org.bdware.sc.db.KeyValueDBUtil;
import org.bdware.sc.db.MultiIndexTimeDBUtilIntf;
import org.bdware.sc.util.JsonUtil;
import org.bdware.server.NodeCenterServer;
import org.bdware.server.action.Action;
@ -33,10 +32,7 @@ public class LogActions {
private void queryInternal(
String actResp,
MultiIndexTimeDBUtilIntf db,
JsonObject json,
private void queryInternal(String actResp, MultiIndexTimeDBUtilIntf db, JsonObject json,
ResultCallback resultCallback) {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (!json.has("start")) {
@ -48,26 +44,25 @@ public class LogActions {
if (json.has("end")) {
endTime = json.get("end").getAsLong();
String[] category = new String[]{null};
String[] category = new String[] {null};
if (json.has("category")) {
category = json.get("category").getAsString().split(",");
Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>();
for (String str : category) {
List<JsonObject> array = db.queryByDateAsJson(str, startTime, endTime);
if (str == null) data.put("primary", array);
else data.put(str, array);
if (str == null)
data.put("primary", array);
data.put(str, array);
simpleReply(resultCallback, actResp, data);
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
LOGGER.debug("[queryInternal:time]" + (end - start));
private void countLogByCategoryInternal(
String actResp,
MultiIndexTimeDBUtilIntf db,
JsonObject json,
ResultCallback resultCallback) {
private void countLogByCategoryInternal(String actResp, MultiIndexTimeDBUtilIntf db,
JsonObject json, ResultCallback resultCallback) {
if (!json.has("start")) {
simpleReply(resultCallback, actResp, new ArrayList<>());
@ -78,15 +73,17 @@ public class LogActions {
endTime = json.get("end").getAsLong();
long interval = json.get("interval").getAsLong();
String[] category = new String[]{null};
String[] category = new String[] {null};
if (json.has("category")) {
category = json.get("category").getAsString().split(",");
JsonObject data = new JsonObject();
for (String str : category) {
JsonArray array = db.countInInterval(str, startTime, interval, endTime);
if (str == null) data.add("primary", array);
else data.add(str, array);
if (str == null)
data.add("primary", array);
data.add(str, array);
simpleReply(resultCallback, actResp, data);
@ -98,8 +95,8 @@ public class LogActions {
@Action(userPermission = 1 << 8, async = true)
public void countActionLogByCategory(JsonObject json, ResultCallback resultCallback) {
"onCountActionLogByCategory", NodeCenterServer.nodeHttpLogDB, json, resultCallback);
countLogByCategoryInternal("onCountActionLogByCategory", NodeCenterServer.nodeHttpLogDB,
json, resultCallback);
@Action(userPermission = 1 << 8, async = true)
@ -109,8 +106,8 @@ public class LogActions {
@Action(userPermission = 1 << 8, async = true)
public void countCMLogByCategory(JsonObject json, ResultCallback resultCallback) {
"onCountCMLogByCategory", NodeCenterServer.nodeTcpLogDB, json, resultCallback);
countLogByCategoryInternal("onCountCMLogByCategory", NodeCenterServer.nodeTcpLogDB, json,
@Action(userPermission = 1 << 9)
@ -138,8 +135,7 @@ public class LogActions {
List<CMNode> onlineNodes = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, Object> ret = new HashMap<>();
if (KeyValueDBUtil.instance
.getValue(NCTables.ConfigDB.toString(), "__CenterManager__")
if (KeyValueDBUtil.instance.getValue(NCTables.ConfigDB.toString(), "__CenterManager__")
.contains(pubKey)) {
LOGGER.debug("is center manager");
LOGGER.debug("dbnodes " + dbnodes.toString());
@ -11,25 +11,25 @@ import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class MasterActions {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(MasterActions.class);
// TODO 定期清缓存
public static Map<String, RequestCache> requestCache =
new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); // key is contractID,only for requestAll type contract
// TODO 定期清缓存
public static Map<String, RequestCache> requestCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); // key is
// contractID,only
// for
// requestAll
// type
// contract
static {
() -> {
boolean flag = clearCache();
if (flag) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
LOGGER.error("sleeping is interrupted! " + e.getMessage());
NodeCenterServer.scheduledThreadPool.scheduleWithFixedDelay(() -> {
boolean flag = clearCache();
if (flag) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
LOGGER.error("sleeping is interrupted! " + e.getMessage());
}, 0, 0, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
public NodeCenterFrameHandler controller;
@ -39,213 +39,184 @@ public class MasterActions {
// judge the just online node whwther need to restart contracts,send the contracts'info
/* public static void restartContracts(String nodePubKey){
System.out.println("开始恢复节点" + NodeCenterActions.nodeinfos.get(nodePubKey).nodeName);
// 恢复该节点的每一个集群运行的合约
for (ContractRecord record : NodeCenterActions.recoverMap.get(nodePubKey).values()) {
String contractID = record.contractID;
if (record.recoverFlag != RecoverFlag.ToRecover)
Map<String, String> req = new HashMap<String, String>();
req.put("action", "queryUnitStatus");
req.put("contractID", contractID);
CMNode cmNode = NodeCenterActions.nodeinfos.get(nodePubKey);
/* @Action(async = true)
public void onQueryUnitStatus(Map<String, String> args, final ResultCallback rc) {
String mode = args.get("mode");
String nodeID = args.get("nodeID");
String contractID = args.get("contractID");
ContractRecord record = NodeCenterActions.recoverMap.get(nodeID).get(contractID);
logger.debug("节点" + NodeCenterActions.nodeinfos.get(args.get("nodeID")).nodeName + "崩溃前模式为" + mode);
}else if(mode.equals(ContractUnitStatus.StableMode.toString())){
// 当StableMode的节点的lastExeSeq和集群相差超过10时,通过CommonNode的恢复方式恢复
/* @Action(async = true)
public void restartByCommonNode(Map<String, String> args, final ResultCallback rc){
String nodeID = args.get("nodeID");
String contractID = args.get("contractID");
ContractRecord record = NodeCenterActions.recoverMap.get(nodeID).get(contractID);
* public static void restartContracts(String nodePubKey){
* if(!NodeCenterActions.recoverMap.containsKey(nodePubKey)){ return; }
* System.out.println("开始恢复节点" + NodeCenterActions.nodeinfos.get(nodePubKey).nodeName);
* // 恢复该节点的每一个集群运行的合约 for (ContractRecord record :
* NodeCenterActions.recoverMap.get(nodePubKey).values()) { String contractID =
* record.contractID; if (record.recoverFlag != RecoverFlag.ToRecover) continue;
* Map<String, String> req = new HashMap<String, String>(); req.put("action",
* "queryUnitStatus"); req.put("contractID", contractID); CMNode cmNode =
* NodeCenterActions.nodeinfos.get(nodePubKey);
* cmNode.connection.controller.sendMsg(gson.toJson(req)); } }
public static void restartFromCommonMode(String nodePubKey,ContractRecord record){
* @Action(async = true) public void onQueryUnitStatus(Map<String, String> args, final
* ResultCallback rc) { String mode = args.get("mode"); String nodeID = args.get("nodeID");
* String contractID = args.get("contractID"); ContractRecord record =
* NodeCenterActions.recoverMap.get(nodeID).get(contractID); logger.debug("节点" +
* NodeCenterActions.nodeinfos.get(args.get("nodeID")).nodeName + "崩溃前模式为" + mode);
* if(mode.equals(ContractUnitStatus.CommonMode.toString())){
* restartFromCommonMode(nodeID,record); }else
* if(mode.equals(ContractUnitStatus.StableMode.toString())){
* restartFromStableMode(nodeID,record); } }
String contractID = record.contractID;
// 当StableMode的节点的lastExeSeq和集群相差超过10时,通过CommonNode的恢复方式恢复
* @Action(async = true) public void restartByCommonNode(Map<String, String> args, final
* ResultCallback rc){ String nodeID = args.get("nodeID"); String contractID =
* args.get("contractID"); ContractRecord record =
* NodeCenterActions.recoverMap.get(nodeID).get(contractID);
* restartFromCommonMode(nodeID,record); }
record.recoverFlag = RecoverFlag.Recovering;
Map<String, String> request = new HashMap<>();
request.put("action", "setRecovering");
CMNode node = NodeCenterActions.nodeinfos.get(nodePubKey);
//System.out.println("第一步 : [NodeCeterActions] restartContracts 开始处理合约 contractID=" + contractID);
if (NodeCenterActions.contractID2Members.containsKey(contractID)) {
// 在nodeinfos中找节点,该节点的pubKey在pubKeys中
MultiPointContractInfo info = NodeCenterActions.contractID2Members.get(contractID);
CMNode cmNode = null;
for (int i = 0; i < info.members.size(); i++) {
int size = info.members.size();
String tempNodeID = info.members.get(record.order.incrementAndGet() % size);
cmNode = NodeCenterActions.nodeinfos.get(tempNodeID);
else continue;
//System.out.println("查询节点 " + cmNode.nodeName);
if (cmNode != null && !cmNode.pubKey.equals(nodePubKey)) {
//System.out.println("第二步 : [NodeCenterActions] 找到一个依赖恢复节点,其节点名为 " + cmNode.nodeName);
Map<String, String> req = new HashMap<String, String>();
req.put("action", "dumpCurrentState");
req.put("contractID", contractID);
req.put("targetNodePubkey", nodePubKey);
// NC向该节点发送请求,让其存储自身当前状态并发给NC
if(cmNode == null){
logger.debug("[NodeCenterActions] Can't find a recover rely node!");
* public static void restartFromCommonMode(String nodePubKey,ContractRecord record){
* logger.debug("从CommonMode中恢复:");
* String contractID = record.contractID;
* record.recoverFlag = RecoverFlag.Recovering; //先发消息,让恢复节点的该合约收到消息后只加入队列不dealRequests
* Map<String, String> request = new HashMap<>(); request.put("action", "setRecovering");
* request.put("contractID",contractID); CMNode node =
* NodeCenterActions.nodeinfos.get(nodePubKey);
* node.connection.controller.sendMsg(gson.toJson(request));
* //System.out.println("第一步 : [NodeCeterActions] restartContracts 开始处理合约 contractID=" +
* contractID);
* if (NodeCenterActions.contractID2Members.containsKey(contractID)) {
* // 在nodeinfos中找节点,该节点的pubKey在pubKeys中 MultiPointContractInfo info =
* NodeCenterActions.contractID2Members.get(contractID); CMNode cmNode = null; for (int i = 0; i
* < info.members.size(); i++) { int size = info.members.size(); String tempNodeID =
* info.members.get(record.order.incrementAndGet() % size);
* if(NodeCenterActions.nodeinfos.containsKey(tempNodeID)) cmNode =
* NodeCenterActions.nodeinfos.get(tempNodeID); else continue;
* //System.out.println("查询节点 " + cmNode.nodeName);
* if (cmNode != null && !cmNode.pubKey.equals(nodePubKey)) {
* //System.out.println("第二步 : [NodeCenterActions] 找到一个依赖恢复节点,其节点名为 " + cmNode.nodeName);
* Map<String, String> req = new HashMap<String, String>(); req.put("action",
* "dumpCurrentState"); req.put("contractID", contractID); req.put("targetNodePubkey",
* nodePubKey);
* // NC向该节点发送请求,让其存储自身当前状态并发给NC cmNode.connection.controller.sendMsg(gson.toJson(req));
* return; } }
* if(cmNode == null){ logger.debug("[NodeCenterActions] Can't find a recover rely node!"); } }
* }
/* public static void restartFromStableMode(String nodePubkey,ContractRecord record){
* public static void restartFromStableMode(String nodePubkey,ContractRecord record){
* logger.debug("从StableMode中恢复:");
* String contractID = record.contractID; record.recoverFlag = RecoverFlag.Recovering;
* //先发消息,让恢复节点的该合约收到消息后只加入队列不dealRequests Map<String, String> request = new HashMap<>();
* request.put("action", "setRecovering"); request.put("contractID",contractID);
* request.put("mode", ContractUnitStatus.StableMode.toString()); int lastExeSeq =
* NodeCenterActions.contractID2Members.get(contractID).ai.get() - 1;
* request.put("lastExeSeq",lastExeSeq + ""); CMNode node =
* NodeCenterActions.nodeinfos.get(nodePubkey);
* node.connection.controller.sendMsg(gson.toJson(request)); }
String contractID = record.contractID;
record.recoverFlag = RecoverFlag.Recovering;
Map<String, String> request = new HashMap<>();
request.put("action", "setRecovering");
request.put("mode", ContractUnitStatus.StableMode.toString());
int lastExeSeq = NodeCenterActions.contractID2Members.get(contractID).ai.get() - 1;
request.put("lastExeSeq",lastExeSeq + "");
CMNode node = NodeCenterActions.nodeinfos.get(nodePubkey);
* public static void unitModeCheck(String contractID){ MultiPointContractInfo mpci =
* NodeCenterActions.contractID2Members.get(contractID); int total = 0,online = 0; for(String
* nodeId : mpci.members){ if(NodeCenterActions.nodeinfos.containsKey(nodeId)){ online++; }
* total++; }
* logger.debug("合约" + contractID + "的集群,上线节点有" + online + "个,总共节点有" + total +
* "个. Math.ceil(total / 2)=" + Math.ceil((double)total / 2) +
* " online > Math.ceil(total / 2)" + (online > Math.ceil(total / 2)) + " mpci.unitStatus=" +
* mpci.unitStatus); if(online > Math.ceil((double)total / 2) && mpci.unitStatus ==
* ContractUnitStatus.StableMode){ logger.debug("合约" + contractID + "的集群更改模式为" +
* ContractUnitStatus.CommonMode.toString());
* Map<String, String> req = new HashMap<String, String>(); req.put("action",
* "changeUnitStatus"); req.put("contractID", contractID);
* req.put("mode",ContractUnitStatus.CommonMode.toString()); for(String nodeId : mpci.members){
* if(NodeCenterActions.nodeinfos.containsKey(nodeId)){ CMNode cmNode =
* NodeCenterActions.nodeinfos.get(nodeId); logger.debug("发消息给节点 " + cmNode.nodeName + " 设置合约" +
* contractID + "的集群模式为CommonMode"); cmNode.connection.controller.sendMsg(gson.toJson(req)); } }
* mpci.unitStatus = ContractUnitStatus.CommonMode; }else if(online <= Math.ceil((double)total /
* 2) && mpci.unitStatus == ContractUnitStatus.CommonMode){ logger.debug("合约" + contractID +
* "的集群更改模式为" + ContractUnitStatus.StableMode.toString());
* Map<String, String> req = new HashMap<String, String>(); req.put("action",
* "changeUnitStatus"); req.put("contractID", contractID);
* req.put("mode",ContractUnitStatus.StableMode.toString()); for(String nodeId : mpci.members){
* if(NodeCenterActions.nodeinfos.containsKey(nodeId)){ CMNode cmNode =
* NodeCenterActions.nodeinfos.get(nodeId); Map<String,String> map =
* NodeCenterActions.recoverMap.get(nodeId).get(contractID).members;
* req.put("membersStr",JsonUtil.toJson(map)); //ContractRecord's members logger.debug("发消息给节点 "
* + cmNode.nodeName + " 设置合约" + contractID + "的集群模式为StableMode");
* cmNode.connection.controller.sendMsg(gson.toJson(req)); } }
* mpci.unitStatus = ContractUnitStatus.StableMode;
* //将ContractRecord中members发给集群中节点
* } }
/* public static void unitModeCheck(String contractID){
MultiPointContractInfo mpci = NodeCenterActions.contractID2Members.get(contractID);
int total = 0,online = 0;
for(String nodeId : mpci.members){
logger.debug("合约" + contractID + "的集群,上线节点有" + online + "个,总共节点有" + total + "个. Math.ceil(total / 2)=" + Math.ceil((double)total / 2) + " online > Math.ceil(total / 2)" + (online > Math.ceil(total / 2)) + " mpci.unitStatus=" + mpci.unitStatus);
if(online > Math.ceil((double)total / 2) && mpci.unitStatus == ContractUnitStatus.StableMode){
logger.debug("合约" + contractID + "的集群更改模式为" + ContractUnitStatus.CommonMode.toString());
Map<String, String> req = new HashMap<String, String>();
req.put("action", "changeUnitStatus");
req.put("contractID", contractID);
for(String nodeId : mpci.members){
CMNode cmNode = NodeCenterActions.nodeinfos.get(nodeId);
logger.debug("发消息给节点 " + cmNode.nodeName + " 设置合约" + contractID + "的集群模式为CommonMode");
mpci.unitStatus = ContractUnitStatus.CommonMode;
}else if(online <= Math.ceil((double)total / 2) && mpci.unitStatus == ContractUnitStatus.CommonMode){
logger.debug("合约" + contractID + "的集群更改模式为" + ContractUnitStatus.StableMode.toString());
Map<String, String> req = new HashMap<String, String>();
req.put("action", "changeUnitStatus");
req.put("contractID", contractID);
for(String nodeId : mpci.members){
CMNode cmNode = NodeCenterActions.nodeinfos.get(nodeId);
Map<String,String> map = NodeCenterActions.recoverMap.get(nodeId).get(contractID).members;
req.put("membersStr",JsonUtil.toJson(map)); //ContractRecord's members
logger.debug("发消息给节点 " + cmNode.nodeName + " 设置合约" + contractID + "的集群模式为StableMode");
mpci.unitStatus = ContractUnitStatus.StableMode;
/* @Action(async = true)
public void recoverFinish(Map<String, String> args, final ResultCallback rc) {
ContractRecord cr = NodeCenterActions.recoverMap.get(args.get("nodeID")).get(args.get("contractID"));
logger.debug("节点" + NodeCenterActions.nodeinfos.get(args.get("nodeID")).nodeName + "恢复完成!");
if(cr.recoverFlag == RecoverFlag.Recovering)
cr.recoverFlag = RecoverFlag.Fine;
logger.debug("恢复完成,需要检查合约" + args.get("contractID") + "的集群运行模式");
* @Action(async = true) public void recoverFinish(Map<String, String> args, final
* ResultCallback rc) { ContractRecord cr =
* NodeCenterActions.recoverMap.get(args.get("nodeID")).get(args.get("contractID"));
* logger.debug("节点" + NodeCenterActions.nodeinfos.get(args.get("nodeID")).nodeName + "恢复完成!");
* if(cr.recoverFlag == RecoverFlag.Recovering) cr.recoverFlag = RecoverFlag.Fine;
* logger.debug("恢复完成,需要检查合约" + args.get("contractID") + "的集群运行模式");
* unitModeCheck(args.get("contractID")); }
static boolean clearCache() {
if (requestCache.isEmpty()) return true;
if (requestCache.isEmpty())
return true;
// final long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - 60000L; //60s
// requestCache.entrySet()
// .removeIf(
// entry -> {
// RequestCache cache = entry.getValue();
// if (cache == null) return true;
// return cache.getTime() < time;
// });
// final long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - 60000L; //60s
// requestCache.entrySet()
// .removeIf(
// entry -> {
// RequestCache cache = entry.getValue();
// if (cache == null) return true;
// return cache.getTime() < time;
// });
// return false;
// return false;
// 对每个合约,只保存最近RESERVED个请求
// for(RequestCache rc : requestCache.values()){
// int delete = rc.size() - RequestCache.RESERVED,count = 0;
// if(delete > 0){
// synchronized (rc){
// for(Iterator<Integer> iterator = rc.requests.keySet().iterator();
// for(RequestCache rc : requestCache.values()){
// int delete = rc.size() - RequestCache.RESERVED,count = 0;
// if(delete > 0){
// synchronized (rc){
// for(Iterator<Integer> iterator = rc.requests.keySet().iterator();
// iterator.hasNext(); ) {
// Integer key = iterator.next();
// if(count < delete){
// iterator.remove();
// count++;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// Integer key = iterator.next();
// if(count < delete){
// iterator.remove();
// count++;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
return false;
@ -253,7 +224,8 @@ public class MasterActions {
static RequestCache getCache(String contractID) {
if (contractID != null) {
RequestCache cache = requestCache.get(contractID);
if (cache != null) return cache;
if (cache != null)
return cache;
else {
LOGGER.debug("[NodeCenterActions] create requestcache:" + contractID);
RequestCache reqc = new RequestCache();
@ -264,26 +236,17 @@ public class MasterActions {
return null;
/* @Action(async = true)
public void sendCachedRequests(Map<String, String> args, final ResultCallback rc) {
String contractID = args.get("contractID");
int start = Integer.parseInt(args.get("start"));
int end = Integer.parseInt(args.get("end"));
RequestCache cache = getCache(contractID);
for(int i = start + 1;i < end;i++){
if(cache == null || !cache.containsKey(i)){
//this node crash
String nodeID = args.get("nodeID");
JsonObject jo = cache.get(i);
if(jo == null){
logger.debug("在NC中第 " + i + "个请求已经被清,无法发给恢复节点!");
logger.debug("NC发送第 " + i + " " + jo.get("seq").getAsString() + " 个请求给Node");
* @Action(async = true) public void sendCachedRequests(Map<String, String> args, final
* ResultCallback rc) { String contractID = args.get("contractID"); int start =
* Integer.parseInt(args.get("start")); int end = Integer.parseInt(args.get("end"));
* RequestCache cache = getCache(contractID); for(int i = start + 1;i < end;i++){ if(cache ==
* null || !cache.containsKey(i)){ //this node crash String nodeID = args.get("nodeID");
* MasterActions.restartContracts(nodeID); } JsonObject jo = cache.get(i); if(jo == null){
* logger.debug("在NC中第 " + i + "个请求已经被清,无法发给恢复节点!"); }else
* controller.sendMsg(JsonUtil.toJson(jo));
* logger.debug("NC发送第 " + i + " " + jo.get("seq").getAsString() + " 个请求给Node"); } }
@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ public class MetaIndexAction { // public static IndexWriter indexWriter;
public static Integer page;
public static boolean isEmpty = false;
public static NodeCenterFrameHandler controller;
// public MetaIndexAction(NodeCenterFrameHandler nodeCenterFrameHandler) {
// controller = nodeCenterFrameHandler;
// }
// public MetaIndexAction(NodeCenterFrameHandler nodeCenterFrameHandler) {
// controller = nodeCenterFrameHandler;
// }
private static IndexWriter indexWriter;
static {
@ -90,7 +90,8 @@ public class MetaIndexAction { // public static IndexWriter indexWriter;
Query query = new TermQuery(new Term("contractID", thisDesp.contractID));
TopDocs docs = indexSearcher.search(query, 10);
if (null != thisDesp.contractName && (docs.scoreDocs == null || docs.scoreDocs.length == 0)) {
if (null != thisDesp.contractName
&& (docs.scoreDocs == null || docs.scoreDocs.length == 0)) {
req.addProperty("action", "requestReadMe");
req.addProperty("contractID", thisDesp.contractID);
@ -101,8 +102,8 @@ public class MetaIndexAction { // public static IndexWriter indexWriter;
LOGGER.warn("getting index failed! " + e.getMessage());
// req.addProperty("action", "requestReadMe");
// req.addProperty("contractID", thisDesp.contractID);
// req.addProperty("action", "requestReadMe");
// req.addProperty("contractID", thisDesp.contractID);
// rc.onResult(req);
LOGGER.info("contract " + thisDesp.contractName + " --> actually to index");
@ -128,7 +129,8 @@ public class MetaIndexAction { // public static IndexWriter indexWriter;
public static void delIndexbyCID(JsonObject jo) {
try {
if (!jo.has("contractID")) return;
if (!jo.has("contractID"))
String contractID = jo.get("contractID").getAsString();
LOGGER.info("contractID:" + contractID + "-->actually to delete");
indexWriter.deleteDocuments(new Term("contractID", contractID));
@ -140,7 +142,8 @@ public class MetaIndexAction { // public static IndexWriter indexWriter;
public static void delIndexbyOwner(JsonObject jo) {
try {
if (!jo.has("owner")) return;
if (!jo.has("owner"))
String owner = jo.get("owner").getAsString();
LOGGER.info("owner:" + owner + "-->actually to delete");
indexWriter.deleteDocuments(new Term("owner", owner));
@ -167,18 +170,18 @@ public class MetaIndexAction { // public static IndexWriter indexWriter;
return "no such search type";
// if (searchReq != null) {
// logger.info(searchReq.get("pubkey").getAsString() + "---->start
// if (searchReq != null) {
// logger.info(searchReq.get("pubkey").getAsString() + "---->start
// search");
// DirectoryReader indexReader = DirectoryReader.open(indexDir);
// IndexSearcher indexSearcher = new IndexSearcher(indexReader);
// BooleanQuery.Builder queryBuilder = new BooleanQuery.Builder();
// reandler(searchReq, queryBuilder);
// BooleanQuery searchQuery = queryBuilder.build();
// TopDocs docs = indexSearcher.search(searchQuery, 10);
// return docs.scoreDocs.length + "";
// }
// else return "0";
// DirectoryReader indexReader = DirectoryReader.open(indexDir);
// IndexSearcher indexSearcher = new IndexSearcher(indexReader);
// BooleanQuery.Builder queryBuilder = new BooleanQuery.Builder();
// reandler(searchReq, queryBuilder);
// BooleanQuery searchQuery = queryBuilder.build();
// TopDocs docs = indexSearcher.search(searchQuery, 10);
// return docs.scoreDocs.length + "";
// }
// else return "0";
} catch (Exception e) {
ByteArrayOutputStream bo = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
e.printStackTrace(new PrintStream(bo));
@ -188,12 +191,17 @@ public class MetaIndexAction { // public static IndexWriter indexWriter;
public static String getMetabyReadme(JsonObject jo) {
try {
if (!jo.has("keyword")) return "missing arguments: keyword";
if (!jo.has("keyword"))
return "missing arguments: keyword";
if (!jo.has("page")) page = 1;
else page = jo.get("page").getAsInt();
if (page <= 0) page = 1;
if (jo.has("pageSize")) PAGE_SIZE = jo.get("pageSize").getAsInt();
if (!jo.has("page"))
page = 1;
page = jo.get("page").getAsInt();
if (page <= 0)
page = 1;
if (jo.has("pageSize"))
PAGE_SIZE = jo.get("pageSize").getAsInt();
String keyword = jo.get("keyword").getAsString();
// Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer();
Analyzer analyzer = new IKAnalyzer();
@ -203,17 +211,17 @@ public class MetaIndexAction { // public static IndexWriter indexWriter;
DirectoryReader indexReader = DirectoryReader.open(indexDir);
IndexSearcher indexSearcher = new IndexSearcher(indexReader);
TopDocs docs = indexSearcher.search(rmQuery, 1000);
// Document document = null ;
// if (docs.scoreDocs!=null&& docs.scoreDocs.length>0) {
// document = indexSearcher.doc(docs.scoreDocs[0].doc);
// ContractMeta contractMeta = new ContractMeta();
// contractMeta.setContractID(document.get("contractID"));
// contractMeta.setOwner(document.get("owner"));
// contractMeta.setPubkey(document.get("pubkey"));
// contractMeta.setReadmeStr(document.get("readmeStr"));
// String rs = JsonUtil.toJson(contractMeta);
// return rs;
// }
// Document document = null ;
// if (docs.scoreDocs!=null&& docs.scoreDocs.length>0) {
// document = indexSearcher.doc(docs.scoreDocs[0].doc);
// ContractMeta contractMeta = new ContractMeta();
// contractMeta.setContractID(document.get("contractID"));
// contractMeta.setOwner(document.get("owner"));
// contractMeta.setPubkey(document.get("pubkey"));
// contractMeta.setReadmeStr(document.get("readmeStr"));
// String rs = JsonUtil.toJson(contractMeta);
// return rs;
// }
ResultModel resultModel = null;
if (docs.scoreDocs != null && docs.scoreDocs.length > 0)
resultModel = paginate(docs, indexReader);
@ -231,28 +239,32 @@ public class MetaIndexAction { // public static IndexWriter indexWriter;
private static String getMetabyPubkey(JsonObject jo) {
try {
if (!jo.has("pubkey")) return "missing arguments: pubkey";
if (!jo.has("pubkey"))
return "missing arguments: pubkey";
if (!jo.has("page")) page = 1;
else page = jo.get("page").getAsInt();
if (page <= 0) page = 1;
if (!jo.has("page"))
page = 1;
page = jo.get("page").getAsInt();
if (page <= 0)
page = 1;
String pubkey = jo.get("pubkey").getAsString();
DirectoryReader indexReader = DirectoryReader.open(indexDir);
IndexSearcher indexSearcher = new IndexSearcher(indexReader);
Query query = new TermQuery(new Term("pubkey", pubkey));
TopDocs docs = indexSearcher.search(query, 10);
// Document document = null;
// if (docs.scoreDocs!=null&& docs.scoreDocs.length>0) {
// document = indexSearcher.doc(docs.scoreDocs[0].doc);
// ContractMeta contractMeta = new ContractMeta();
// contractMeta.setContractID(document.get("contractID"));
// contractMeta.setOwner(document.get("owner"));
// contractMeta.setPubkey(document.get("pubkey"));
// contractMeta.setReadmeStr(document.get("readmeStr"));
// String rs = JsonUtil.toJson(contractMeta);
// return rs;
// }
// Document document = null;
// if (docs.scoreDocs!=null&& docs.scoreDocs.length>0) {
// document = indexSearcher.doc(docs.scoreDocs[0].doc);
// ContractMeta contractMeta = new ContractMeta();
// contractMeta.setContractID(document.get("contractID"));
// contractMeta.setOwner(document.get("owner"));
// contractMeta.setPubkey(document.get("pubkey"));
// contractMeta.setReadmeStr(document.get("readmeStr"));
// String rs = JsonUtil.toJson(contractMeta);
// return rs;
// }
ResultModel resultModel = null;
if (docs.scoreDocs != null && docs.scoreDocs.length > 0)
resultModel = paginate(docs, indexReader);
@ -271,28 +283,32 @@ public class MetaIndexAction { // public static IndexWriter indexWriter;
private static String getMetabyCID(JsonObject jo) {
System.out.println("getMetabyCID" + jo.toString());
try {
if (!jo.has("contractID")) return "missing arguments: contractID";
if (!jo.has("contractID"))
return "missing arguments: contractID";
if (!jo.has("page")) page = 1;
else page = jo.get("page").getAsInt();
if (page <= 0) page = 1;
if (!jo.has("page"))
page = 1;
page = jo.get("page").getAsInt();
if (page <= 0)
page = 1;
String contractID = jo.get("contractID").getAsString();
DirectoryReader indexReader = DirectoryReader.open(indexDir);
IndexSearcher indexSearcher = new IndexSearcher(indexReader);
Query query = new TermQuery(new Term("contractID", contractID));
TopDocs docs = indexSearcher.search(query, 10);
// Document document = null;
// if (docs.scoreDocs!=null&& docs.scoreDocs.length>0) {
// document = indexSearcher.doc(docs.scoreDocs[0].doc);
// ContractMeta contractMeta = new ContractMeta();
// contractMeta.setContractID(document.get("contractID"));
// contractMeta.setOwner(document.get("owner"));
// contractMeta.setPubkey(document.get("pubkey"));
// contractMeta.setReadmeStr(document.get("readmeStr"));
// String rs = JsonUtil.toJson(contractMeta);
// return rs;
// }
// Document document = null;
// if (docs.scoreDocs!=null&& docs.scoreDocs.length>0) {
// document = indexSearcher.doc(docs.scoreDocs[0].doc);
// ContractMeta contractMeta = new ContractMeta();
// contractMeta.setContractID(document.get("contractID"));
// contractMeta.setOwner(document.get("owner"));
// contractMeta.setPubkey(document.get("pubkey"));
// contractMeta.setReadmeStr(document.get("readmeStr"));
// String rs = JsonUtil.toJson(contractMeta);
// return rs;
// }
ResultModel resultModel = null;
if (docs.scoreDocs != null && docs.scoreDocs.length > 0)
resultModel = paginate(docs, indexReader);
@ -310,28 +326,33 @@ public class MetaIndexAction { // public static IndexWriter indexWriter;
private static String getMetabyOwner(JsonObject jo) {
try {
if (!jo.has("owner")) return "missing arguments: owner";
if (!jo.has("owner"))
return "missing arguments: owner";
if (!jo.has("page")) page = 1;
else page = jo.get("page").getAsInt();
if (page <= 0) page = 1;
if (jo.has("pageSize")) PAGE_SIZE = jo.get("pageSize").getAsInt();
if (!jo.has("page"))
page = 1;
page = jo.get("page").getAsInt();
if (page <= 0)
page = 1;
if (jo.has("pageSize"))
PAGE_SIZE = jo.get("pageSize").getAsInt();
String owner = jo.get("owner").getAsString();
DirectoryReader indexReader = DirectoryReader.open(indexDir);
IndexSearcher indexSearcher = new IndexSearcher(indexReader);
Query query = new TermQuery(new Term("owner", owner));
TopDocs docs = indexSearcher.search(query, 1000);
// Document document = null;
// if (docs.scoreDocs!=null&& docs.scoreDocs.length>0) {
// document = indexSearcher.doc(docs.scoreDocs[0].doc);
// ContractMeta contractMeta = new ContractMeta();
// contractMeta.setContractID(document.get("contractID"));
// contractMeta.setOwner(document.get("owner"));
// contractMeta.setPubkey(document.get("pubkey"));
// contractMeta.setReadmeStr(document.get("readmeStr"));
// String rs = JsonUtil.toJson(contractMeta);
// return rs;
// }
// Document document = null;
// if (docs.scoreDocs!=null&& docs.scoreDocs.length>0) {
// document = indexSearcher.doc(docs.scoreDocs[0].doc);
// ContractMeta contractMeta = new ContractMeta();
// contractMeta.setContractID(document.get("contractID"));
// contractMeta.setOwner(document.get("owner"));
// contractMeta.setPubkey(document.get("pubkey"));
// contractMeta.setReadmeStr(document.get("readmeStr"));
// String rs = JsonUtil.toJson(contractMeta);
// return rs;
// }
ResultModel resultModel = null;
if (docs.scoreDocs != null && docs.scoreDocs.length > 0)
resultModel = paginate(docs, indexReader);
@ -350,18 +371,15 @@ public class MetaIndexAction { // public static IndexWriter indexWriter;
public static void reqHandler(JsonObject req, BooleanQuery.Builder query)
throws ParseException {
if (req.get("contractID").getAsString() != null) {
new FuzzyQuery(new Term("contractID", req.get("contractID").getAsString())),
query.add(new FuzzyQuery(new Term("contractID", req.get("contractID").getAsString())),
if (req.get("owner").getAsString() != null) {
new FuzzyQuery(new Term("owner", req.get("owner").getAsString())),
query.add(new FuzzyQuery(new Term("owner", req.get("owner").getAsString())),
if (req.get("pubkey").getAsString() != null) {
new PrefixQuery(new Term("pubkey", req.get("pubkey").getAsString())),
query.add(new PrefixQuery(new Term("pubkey", req.get("pubkey").getAsString())),
if (req.get("readmeStr").getAsString() != null) {
@ -400,8 +418,7 @@ public class MetaIndexAction { // public static IndexWriter indexWriter;
Long pageCount =
docs.totalHits.value % PAGE_SIZE > 0
? (docs.totalHits.value) / PAGE_SIZE + 1
docs.totalHits.value % PAGE_SIZE > 0 ? (docs.totalHits.value) / PAGE_SIZE + 1
: (docs.totalHits.value) / PAGE_SIZE;
return resultModel;
@ -410,23 +427,19 @@ public class MetaIndexAction { // public static IndexWriter indexWriter;
@Action(async = true, userPermission = 1L)
public synchronized void onRequestReadMe(JsonObject json, ResultCallback rc)
throws IOException {
// try {
// Thread.sleep(2000);
// } catch (InterruptedException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// try {
// Thread.sleep(2000);
// } catch (InterruptedException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
CMNode node = NodeCenterActions.nodeInfos.get(controller.pubKey);
String nodeAddr = getNodeAddr(node.masterAddress);
String name = json.get("name").getAsString();
// /DOIP/Hello1/assets/logo.png
// String nodeAddr="";
String pngUrl = "http://" + nodeAddr + "/DOIP/" + name + "/assets/logo.png";
"node.masterAddress: "
+ node.masterAddress
+ "=========="
+ "nodeAddr: "
+ nodeAddr);
System.out.println("node.masterAddress: " + node.masterAddress + "==========" + "nodeAddr: "
+ nodeAddr);
System.out.println("name: " + name + "pngUrl: " + pngUrl);
String contractID = json.get("contractID").getAsString();
String status = json.get("status").getAsString();
@ -465,7 +478,8 @@ public class MetaIndexAction { // public static IndexWriter indexWriter;
public void getMetabyReadme(JsonObject json, ResultCallback rc) {
String result = getMetabyReadme(json);
JsonObject object = new JsonObject();
if (json.has("requestID")) object.add("responseID", json.get("requestID"));
if (json.has("requestID"))
object.add("responseID", json.get("requestID"));
System.out.println("zzzResult" + result);
object.add("result", JsonParser.parseString(result));
object.addProperty("action", "getMetabyReadme");
@ -474,15 +488,19 @@ public class MetaIndexAction { // public static IndexWriter indexWriter;
@Action(async = true, userPermission = 1L)
public void segmentWord(JsonObject json, ResultCallback rc) throws IOException {
//Analyzer analyzer = new IKAnalyzer(true);
CharArraySet stopWords = CharArraySet.unmodifiableSet(WordlistLoader.getWordSet(new InputStreamReader(Objects.requireNonNull(MetaIndexAction.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
"org/bdware/server/stopwords.txt")), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));
// Analyzer analyzer = new IKAnalyzer(true);
CharArraySet stopWords =
CharArraySet.unmodifiableSet(WordlistLoader.getWordSet(new InputStreamReader(
Analyzer analyzer = new SmartChineseAnalyzer(stopWords);
JsonObject object = new JsonObject();
String words = "我喜欢区块链,我想试用一下这个,我是做大数据处理的,我是科技局的管理员"; // 从json拿
TokenStream stream = null;
if (json.has("requestID")) object.add("responseID", json.get("requestID"));
if (json.has("requestID"))
object.add("responseID", json.get("requestID"));
try {
stream = analyzer.tokenStream("myfield", words);
CharTermAttribute charTermAtt = stream.addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class);
@ -511,7 +529,8 @@ public class MetaIndexAction { // public static IndexWriter indexWriter;
public void getMetabyCID(JsonObject json, ResultCallback rc) {
String result = getMetabyCID(json);
JsonObject object = new JsonObject();
if (json.has("requestID")) object.add("responseID", json.get("requestID"));
if (json.has("requestID"))
object.add("responseID", json.get("requestID"));
object.add("result", JsonParser.parseString(result));
object.addProperty("action", "getMetabyCID");
@ -521,7 +540,8 @@ public class MetaIndexAction { // public static IndexWriter indexWriter;
public void getMetabyOwner(JsonObject json, ResultCallback rc) {
String result = getMetabyOwner(json);
JsonObject object = new JsonObject();
if (json.has("requestID")) object.add("responseID", json.get("requestID"));
if (json.has("requestID"))
object.add("responseID", json.get("requestID"));
object.add("result", JsonParser.parseString(result));
object.addProperty("action", "getMetabyOwner");
@ -531,7 +551,8 @@ public class MetaIndexAction { // public static IndexWriter indexWriter;
public void getMetabyPubkey(JsonObject json, ResultCallback rc) {
String result = getMetabyPubkey(json);
JsonObject object = new JsonObject();
if (json.has("requestID")) object.add("responseID", json.get("requestID"));
if (json.has("requestID"))
object.add("responseID", json.get("requestID"));
object.add("result", JsonParser.parseString(result));
object.addProperty("action", "getMetabyPubkey");
@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
public class MultiPointContractInfo {
public List<String> members; //pubKey
public List<String> members; // pubKey
public ContractExecType type;
AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger();
public transient ContractExecutor rcf;
public String getNextSeq(){
public String getNextSeq() {
System.out.println("MultiPointContractInfo获得下一个序号" + (ai.get() + 1));
return ai.getAndIncrement() + "";
@ -35,8 +35,9 @@ public class NCClientActions {
map.put("id", OtherNCProxy.instance.sm2.getPublicKeyStr());
byte[] signature = "no signature".getBytes();
try {
signature = SM2Util.sign(OtherNCProxy.instance.sm2.getPrivateKeyParameter(), (OtherNCProxy.instance.sm2.getPublicKeyStr() + json.get("session").getAsString())
signature = SM2Util.sign(OtherNCProxy.instance.sm2.getPrivateKeyParameter(),
+ json.get("session").getAsString()).getBytes());
} catch (CryptoException e) {
@ -62,8 +63,8 @@ public class NCClientActions {
if (json.has("empty")) {
LOGGER.info("receive from NC ,do not have any cp.");
} else {
info = JsonUtil.fromJson(json.get("contracts").getAsString(), new TypeToken<List<OtherNCInfo>>() {
info = JsonUtil.fromJson(json.get("contracts").getAsString(),
new TypeToken<List<OtherNCInfo>>() {}.getType());
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
public class NCClientHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<Object> {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(NCClientHandler.class);
static ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5);
public boolean hasPermission; //是否在目标NC上有权限
public boolean hasPermission; // 是否在目标NC上有权限
public NCClientActions actions;
Channel channel;
ActionExecutor<ResultCallback, JsonObject> ae;
@ -67,21 +67,16 @@ public class NCClientHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<Object> {
protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) throws Exception {
ByteBuf bb = (ByteBuf) msg;
try {
final JsonObject arg =
new JsonParser()
.parse(new InputStreamReader(new ByteBufInputStream(bb)))
final JsonObject arg = new JsonParser()
.parse(new InputStreamReader(new ByteBufInputStream(bb))).getAsJsonObject();
if (arg.has("action")) {
final String action = arg.get("action").getAsString();
new ResultCallback() {
public void onResult(String str) {
ae.handle(action, arg, new ResultCallback() {
public void onResult(String str) {
} catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException e) {
@ -100,7 +95,8 @@ public class NCClientHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<Object> {
public void close() {
try {
isConnected = false;
if (channel != null) channel.close();
if (channel != null)
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
public class NCElectMasterUtil {
public static final Map<String, ElectInfo> electInfos = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); //key is contractID
public static final Map<String, ElectInfo> electInfos = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); // key is
// contractID
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(NCElectMasterUtil.class);
public static class ElectInfo {
@ -24,10 +25,10 @@ public class NCElectMasterUtil {
String formerMaster;
String uniNumber;
long lastTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
int onlineNum; //除旧的master之外的在线节点数
int onlineNum; // 除旧的master之外的在线节点数
String contractID;
String mems; //执行这个合约的所有节点的pubKey
private Map<String, Integer> nodeID2LastExe = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); //key is nodeID
String mems; // 执行这个合约的所有节点的pubKey
private Map<String, Integer> nodeID2LastExe = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); // key is nodeID
private Timer timer;
@ -38,11 +39,10 @@ public class NCElectMasterUtil {
uniNumber = uni;
String[] mem = members.split(",");
/* try {
Thread.sleep(2000); //让NC发现崩溃节点
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
* try { Thread.sleep(2000); //让NC发现崩溃节点 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
* e.printStackTrace(); }
for (String memID : mem) {
if (memID == null || memID.length() == 0)
@ -52,26 +52,22 @@ public class NCElectMasterUtil {
() -> {
// cancel the election if no nodes find the master's crash in delay + 2 seconds
SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd.HH:mm:ss.SSS");
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastTime > (delay + 15000)) {
LOGGER.info("lastTime=" + df.format(lastTime) + " cancel the election");
// start timeout election
// if (electInfos.containsKey(contractID) && nodeID2LastExe.size() == onlineNum) {
// elect();
// }
delay + 1500,
delay + 1500,
//timer.schedule(task, dealy + 2000);
NodeCenterServer.scheduledThreadPool.scheduleWithFixedDelay(() -> {
// cancel the election if no nodes find the master's crash in delay + 2 seconds
SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd.HH:mm:ss.SSS");
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastTime > (delay + 15000)) {
LOGGER.info("lastTime=" + df.format(lastTime) + " cancel the election");
// start timeout election
// if (electInfos.containsKey(contractID) && nodeID2LastExe.size() == onlineNum) {
// elect();
// }
}, delay + 1500, delay + 1500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// timer.schedule(task, dealy + 2000);
LOGGER.info("new election of contract " + contractID + " is added to electInfos, " +
onlineNum + " node is online");
LOGGER.info("new election of contract " + contractID + " is added to electInfos, "
+ onlineNum + " node is online");
public void cancel() {
@ -84,10 +80,11 @@ public class NCElectMasterUtil {
public synchronized void put(String nodeID, int lastExe, String master, String mem2, String uniNum) {
public synchronized void put(String nodeID, int lastExe, String master, String mem2,
String uniNum) {
LOGGER.info("put nodeID=" + nodeID);
// 确保该合约某时只能有一个选举,其他的选举请求被忽略
if (!master.equals(formerMaster)) {
LOGGER.debug("[NCElectMasterUtil] master error!");
@ -105,13 +102,14 @@ public class NCElectMasterUtil {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
// 认为是一个新的选举,之前的作废
if (now - lastTime > delay) {
LOGGER.info("[NCElectMasterUtil] time error!");
synchronized (electInfos) {
NCElectMasterUtil.electInfos.put(contractID, new ElectInfo(master, contractID, mem2, uniNum));
// electInfos.remove(contractID);
new ElectInfo(master, contractID, mem2, uniNum));
ElectInfo eleInfo = electInfos.get(contractID);
eleInfo.put(nodeID, lastExe, master, mem2, uniNum);
@ -137,15 +135,17 @@ public class NCElectMasterUtil {
// 更新路由信息,这个合约的master暂时为null
if (NodeCenterActions.nodeInfos.containsKey(formerMaster)) {
CMNode node = NodeCenterActions.nodeInfos.get(formerMaster);
if (node != null) {
synchronized (node) {
for (ContractDesp cd : node.contracts) {
if (cd.contractID.equals(contractID) || cd.contractName.equals(contractID)) {
if (cd.contractID.equals(contractID)
|| cd.contractName.equals(contractID)) {
LOGGER.debug("设置节点 " + node.pubKey.substring(0, 5) + " 的合约 " + contractID + " isMaster=" + false);
LOGGER.debug("设置节点 " + node.pubKey.substring(0, 5) + " 的合约 "
+ contractID + " isMaster=" + false);
@ -164,16 +164,16 @@ public class NCElectMasterUtil {
LOGGER.info("[NCElectMasterUtil] 选举出新的master " + newMaster);
// electInfos.remove(contractID);
// 通知新的master让它发起重连操作,并在所有节点重连成功之后开启master的恢复
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
StringBuilder onlineMems = new StringBuilder(); //不包含旧的master
StringBuilder onlineMems = new StringBuilder(); // 不包含旧的master
for (String memID : nodeID2LastExe.keySet()) {
if (memID == null || memID.length() == 0)
@ -47,10 +47,8 @@ public class NCHttpHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<HttpObject> {
static LogActions logActions = new LogActions(managerAction);
static UnitActions unitActions = new UnitActions(managerAction);
private static final ActionExecutor<ResultCallback, JsonObject> actionExecutor =
new ActionExecutor<ResultCallback, JsonObject>(
new NodeCenterActions(null),
managerAction, logActions, unitActions) {
new ActionExecutor<ResultCallback, JsonObject>(NodeCenterFrameHandler.executorService,
new NodeCenterActions(null), managerAction, logActions, unitActions) {
public boolean checkPermission(Action a, JsonObject arg, long per) {
@ -78,21 +76,14 @@ public class NCHttpHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<HttpObject> {
if (arg.has("pubKey")) {
pubkey = arg.get("pubKey").getAsString();
+ action
+ "\",\"pubKey\":\""
+ pubkey
+ "\",\"date\":"
+ System.currentTimeMillis()
+ "}");
"{\"action\":\"" + action + "\",\"pubKey\":\"" + pubkey + "\",\"date\":"
+ System.currentTimeMillis() + "}");
LOGGER.debug("[NCHttpHandler] flag = " + flag + " flag2 = " + flag2);
return flag && flag2;
static TypeToken<Map<String, String>> token = new TypeToken<Map<String, String>>() {
static TypeToken<Map<String, String>> token = new TypeToken<Map<String, String>>() {};
private final HttpFileHandleAdapter fileAdapter;
// public static ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5);
public AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0);
@ -149,20 +140,15 @@ public class NCHttpHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<HttpObject> {
@URIPath(method = HttpMethod.OPTIONS)
public void crossOrigin(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FullHttpRequest request) {
DefaultFullHttpResponse fullResponse =
new DefaultFullHttpResponse(
DefaultFullHttpResponse fullResponse = new DefaultFullHttpResponse(
request.protocolVersion(), OK, Unpooled.wrappedBuffer("success".getBytes()));
fullResponse.headers().add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
fullResponse.headers().add("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "*");
"Content-Type, Cookie, Accept-Encoding, User-Agent, Host, Referer, " +
"X-Requested-With, Accept, Accept-Language, Cache-Control, Connection");
"Content-Type, Cookie, Accept-Encoding, User-Agent, Host, Referer, "
+ "X-Requested-With, Accept, Accept-Language, Cache-Control, Connection");
ChannelFuture f = ctx.write(fullResponse);
LOGGER.info("[Option] received!");
@ -189,14 +175,13 @@ public class NCHttpHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<HttpObject> {
JsonObject transformedParam = new JsonObject();
for (String key : parameters.keySet()) {
List<String> val = parameters.get(key);
if (val != null) transformedParam.addProperty(key, val.get(0));
if (val != null)
transformedParam.addProperty(key, val.get(0));
return transformedParam;
method = org.bdware.server.http.HttpMethod.GET,
value = {"/doip"})
@URIPath(method = org.bdware.server.http.HttpMethod.GET, value = {"/doip"})
public void handleDOIP(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FullHttpRequest req) {
ByteBuf content = req.content();
JsonObject map = parseArgInQuery(req);
@ -209,11 +194,8 @@ public class NCHttpHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<HttpObject> {
injectPermission(map, str);
DefaultFullHttpResponse response =
new DefaultFullHttpResponse(
DefaultFullHttpResponse response = new DefaultFullHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, OK,
response.headers().add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
response.headers().add("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "*");
ChannelFuture f = ctx.write(response);
@ -224,8 +206,7 @@ public class NCHttpHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<HttpObject> {
public void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, HttpObject msg) {
LOGGER.debug("[NCHttpHandler] TID:" + Thread.currentThread().getId() +
LOGGER.debug("[NCHttpHandler] TID:" + Thread.currentThread().getId() + msg.toString());
if (msg instanceof FullHttpRequest) {
FullHttpRequest request = (FullHttpRequest) msg;
handler.handle(ctx, request);
@ -234,9 +215,8 @@ public class NCHttpHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<HttpObject> {
public static String getRole(String pubKey) {
try {
String ret =
NCTables.ConfigDB.toString(), "__CenterManager__");
String ret = KeyValueDBUtil.instance.getValue(NCTables.ConfigDB.toString(),
if (ret != null && ret.length() > 0) {
boolean isCenterManager = (ret.equals(pubKey)); // 表示此节点是否是平台管理员
ret = KeyValueDBUtil.instance.getValue(NCTables.NodeUser.toString(), pubKey);
@ -313,7 +293,8 @@ public class NCHttpHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<HttpObject> {
if (map.has("callback"))
cb = new HttpResultCallback(ctx, map.get("callback").getAsString());
else cb = new HttpResultCallback(ctx, null);
cb = new HttpResultCallback(ctx, null);
cb.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
cb.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "*");
cb.addHeader("charset", "utf-8");
@ -321,20 +302,16 @@ public class NCHttpHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<HttpObject> {
actionExecutor.handle(action, map, cb);
} else {
DefaultFullHttpResponse response =
new DefaultFullHttpResponse(
HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, OK, Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(ret.getBytes()));
DefaultFullHttpResponse response = new DefaultFullHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1,
OK, Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(ret.getBytes()));
response.headers().add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
response.headers().add("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "*");
ChannelFuture f = ctx.write(response);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
DefaultFullHttpResponse response =
new DefaultFullHttpResponse(
DefaultFullHttpResponse response = new DefaultFullHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, OK,
response.headers().add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
response.headers().add("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "*");
ChannelFuture f = ctx.write(response);
@ -345,11 +322,8 @@ public class NCHttpHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<HttpObject> {
ByteArrayOutputStream bo = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
e.printStackTrace(new PrintStream(bo));
ret.put("msg", bo.toString());
DefaultFullHttpResponse response =
new DefaultFullHttpResponse(
DefaultFullHttpResponse response = new DefaultFullHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, OK,
response.headers().add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
response.headers().add("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "*");
ChannelFuture f = ctx.write(response);
@ -27,11 +27,9 @@ public class NCManagerAction {
public static final String centerManger = "__CenterManager__";
public static final String clusterName = "__ClusterName__";
static final String Licence = "__LICENCE___";
static final ECPublicKeyParameters licencePub =
static final ECPublicKeyParameters licencePub = BCECUtil.createECPublicKeyFromStrParameters(
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(NCManagerAction.class);
String sessionID = null;
private String publicKey;
@ -45,7 +43,8 @@ public class NCManagerAction {
public String getPubKey(JsonObject jo) {
try {
if (publicKey != null) return publicKey;
if (publicKey != null)
return publicKey;
return jo.get("pubKey").getAsString();
} catch (Exception e) {
@ -55,8 +54,7 @@ public class NCManagerAction {
public static boolean isCenterManager(String pubkey) {
String ret = KeyValueDBUtil.instance.getValue(NCTables.ConfigDB.toString(), centerManger);
LOGGER.debug("centerManger: " + ret);
return !StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(ret)
&& !StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(pubkey)
return !StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(ret) && !StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(pubkey)
&& pubkey.equals(ret);
@ -104,8 +102,8 @@ public class NCManagerAction {
@Action(userPermission = 0)
public void setClusterName(JsonObject json, ResultCallback resultCallback) {
if (json.has("name")) {
NCTables.ConfigDB.toString(), clusterName, json.get("name").getAsString());
KeyValueDBUtil.instance.setValue(NCTables.ConfigDB.toString(), clusterName,
simpleReply(resultCallback, "onSetClusterName", "success");
} else {
simpleReply(resultCallback, "onSetClusterName", "failed");
@ -122,7 +120,7 @@ public class NCManagerAction {
String ret =
KeyValueDBUtil.instance.getValue(NCTables.ConfigDB.toString(), centerManger);
if (ret != null && ret.length() > 0) {
boolean isCenterManager = (ret.equals(pubKey)); //表示此节点是否是平台管理员
boolean isCenterManager = (ret.equals(pubKey)); // 表示此节点是否是平台管理员
ret = KeyValueDBUtil.instance.getValue(NCTables.NodeUser.toString(), pubKey);
String role = "";
if (isCenterManager) {
@ -140,10 +138,10 @@ public class NCManagerAction {
simpleReply(resultCallback, "onLogin", role);
} else {
NCTables.ConfigDB.toString(), centerManger, pubKey);
NCTables.ConfigDB.toString(), clusterName, "clusterName_" + pubKey.substring(0, 5));
KeyValueDBUtil.instance.setValue(NCTables.ConfigDB.toString(), centerManger,
KeyValueDBUtil.instance.setValue(NCTables.ConfigDB.toString(), clusterName,
"clusterName_" + pubKey.substring(0, 5));
simpleReply(resultCallback, "onLogin", "CenterManager");
@ -185,18 +183,22 @@ public class NCManagerAction {
if (str.contains(Role.CenterManager.toString())) {
if (json.has("newPubKey")) {
String newPubKey = json.get("newPubKey").getAsString();
KeyValueDBUtil.instance.setValue(NCTables.ConfigDB.toString(), centerManger, newPubKey);
NCTables.NodeUser.toString(), newPubKey, Role.CenterManager.toString());
+ newPubKey + "\"}");
KeyValueDBUtil.instance.setValue(NCTables.ConfigDB.toString(), centerManger,
KeyValueDBUtil.instance.setValue(NCTables.NodeUser.toString(), newPubKey,
+ newPubKey + "\"}");
} else {
//just keep the same
+ getPubKey(json) + "\"}");
// just keep the same
+ getPubKey(json) + "\"}");
} else {
resultCallback.onResult("{\"action\":\"onResetCenterManager\",\"data\":\"failed, no permission\"}");
"{\"action\":\"onResetCenterManager\",\"data\":\"failed, no permission\"}");
@ -225,14 +227,10 @@ public class NCManagerAction {
@Action(userPermission = 1 << 6)
public void addNode(JsonObject json, ResultCallback resultCallback) {
try {
Long.toString(new Date().getTime()));
json.get("nodePubKey").getAsString(), Role.Node.toString());
json.get("nodePubKey").getAsString(), Long.toString(new Date().getTime()));
simpleReply(resultCallback, "onAddNodes", "success");
} catch (Exception e) {
@ -251,14 +249,14 @@ public class NCManagerAction {
if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
KeyValueDBUtil.instance.setValue(NCTables.ApplyRole.toString(), pubKey, role.name());
NCTables.ApplyTime.toString(), pubKey, Long.toString(new Date().getTime()));
KeyValueDBUtil.instance.setValue(NCTables.ApplyTime.toString(), pubKey,
Long.toString(new Date().getTime()));
} else {
if (!str.contains(role.name())) {
NCTables.ApplyRole.toString(), pubKey, str + "," + role.name());
NCTables.ApplyTime.toString(), pubKey, Long.toString(new Date().getTime()));
KeyValueDBUtil.instance.setValue(NCTables.ApplyRole.toString(), pubKey,
str + "," + role.name());
KeyValueDBUtil.instance.setValue(NCTables.ApplyTime.toString(), pubKey,
Long.toString(new Date().getTime()));
simpleReply(resultCallback, "onApplyRole", "success!");
@ -310,8 +308,8 @@ public class NCManagerAction {
already = roles;
KeyValueDBUtil.instance.setValue(NCTables.NodeUser.toString(), pubKey, already);
NCTables.NodeTime.toString(), pubKey, Long.toString(new Date().getTime()));
KeyValueDBUtil.instance.setValue(NCTables.NodeTime.toString(), pubKey,
Long.toString(new Date().getTime()));
KeyValueDBUtil.instance.delete(NCTables.ApplyRole.toString(), pubKey);
KeyValueDBUtil.instance.delete(NCTables.ApplyTime.toString(), pubKey);
simpleReply(resultCallback, "onAuthNodeManager", "success");
@ -445,13 +443,14 @@ public class NCManagerAction {
SM2Util.verify(licencePub, content.getBytes(), ByteUtils.fromHexString(sign));
if (verify) {
NCTables.ConfigDB.toString(), Licence, json.toString());
KeyValueDBUtil.instance.setValue(NCTables.ConfigDB.toString(), Licence,
simpleReply(resultCallback, "onUpdateLicence", "success");
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
LOGGER.debug("[listLicence:time]" + (end - start));
} else simpleReply(resultCallback, "onUpdateLicence", "failed");
} else
simpleReply(resultCallback, "onUpdateLicence", "failed");
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
LOGGER.debug("[updateLicence:time]" + (end - start));
@ -535,14 +534,8 @@ public class NCManagerAction {
Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<>();
result.put("action", "onTransfer");
"now start transfer contract "
+ contractID
+ " from node:"
+ node1ID
+ " to node:"
+ node2ID);
result.put("data", "now start transfer contract " + contractID + " from node:" + node1ID
+ " to node:" + node2ID);
@ -1,19 +1,7 @@
package org.bdware.server.nodecenter;
public enum NCTables {
NodeUser, NodeTime, ApplyRole, ApplyTime, NodeHttpLog, ContractMeta, ConfigDB, NodeTcpLog, NodesDB, TrustUnitsDB, OtherNCs, NCFile, ApplyNodeManager;
public String toString() {
return "NC_" + super.toString();
@ -33,21 +33,21 @@ public class NCUDPRunner extends Thread {
public void run() {
// TimerTask task = new TimerTask() {
// TimerTask task = new TimerTask() {
// @Override
// public void run(Timeout arg0) throws Exception {
// Set<Integer> nodes = new HashSet<Integer>();
// for (Integer i:id2IP.keySet()) {
// UDPNode node = id2IP.get(i);
// if (System.currentTimeMillis()-node.lastUpdatedTime<60*1000) {
// nodes.remove(i);
// }
// }
// for (Integer i:nodes)
// node.re
// }
// };
// @Override
// public void run(Timeout arg0) throws Exception {
// Set<Integer> nodes = new HashSet<Integer>();
// for (Integer i:id2IP.keySet()) {
// UDPNode node = id2IP.get(i);
// if (System.currentTimeMillis()-node.lastUpdatedTime<60*1000) {
// nodes.remove(i);
// }
// }
// for (Integer i:nodes)
// node.re
// }
// };
id2IP = new HashMap<Integer, UDPNode>();
int startPort = mainPort;
while (true) {
@ -82,11 +82,8 @@ public class NCUDPRunner extends Thread {
private void onUDPMessage(UDPMessage msg, DatagramPacket request) {
switch (msg.type) {
case shakeHand:
"[NCUDPRunner] shakeHand:"
+ request.getAddress().getHostAddress()
+ ":"
+ request.getPort());
LOGGER.debug("[NCUDPRunner] shakeHand:" + request.getAddress().getHostAddress()
+ ":" + request.getPort());
id2IP.put(msg.id, new UDPNode(request.getSocketAddress()));
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
package org.bdware.server.nodecenter;
public class NameAndID {
String name,id;
String name, id;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -34,40 +34,31 @@ public class NodeCenterFrameHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<Object>
this.actions = new NodeCenterActions(this);
MetaIndexAction.controller = this;
// TODO 添加那个UnitAction.
ae =
new ActionExecutor<ResultCallback, JsonObject>(
executorService, actions, new MetaIndexAction()) {
public boolean checkPermission(
Action a, final JsonObject args, long permission) {
long val = a.userPermission();
boolean flag;
String status = "refuse";
String action = args.get("action").getAsString();
if (val == 0) {
flag = true;
status = "accept";
} else if ((permission & val) == val) {
flag = true;
status = "accept";
} else {
flag = false;
if (!action.contains("checkAlive"))
+ action
+ "\",\"pubKey\":\""
+ pubKey
+ "\",\"status\":\""
+ status
+ "\",\"date\":"
+ System.currentTimeMillis()
+ "}");
return flag;
ae = new ActionExecutor<ResultCallback, JsonObject>(executorService, actions,
new MetaIndexAction()) {
public boolean checkPermission(Action a, final JsonObject args, long permission) {
long val = a.userPermission();
boolean flag;
String status = "refuse";
String action = args.get("action").getAsString();
if (val == 0) {
flag = true;
status = "accept";
} else if ((permission & val) == val) {
flag = true;
status = "accept";
} else {
flag = false;
if (!action.contains("checkAlive"))
"{\"action\":\"" + action + "\",\"pubKey\":\"" + pubKey
+ "\",\"status\":\"" + status + "\",\"date\":"
+ System.currentTimeMillis() + "}");
return flag;
LOGGER.info("create NodeCenterFrameHandler instance succeed!");
@ -80,10 +71,9 @@ public class NodeCenterFrameHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<Object>
this.ctx = ctx;
JsonObject map;
try {
map =
new InputStreamReader(new ByteBufInputStream((ByteBuf) frame)))
map = JsonParser
.parseReader(new InputStreamReader(new ByteBufInputStream((ByteBuf) frame)))
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("can't handle msg! " + e.getMessage());
@ -93,15 +83,12 @@ public class NodeCenterFrameHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<Object>
try {
final String action = map.get("action").getAsString();
// System.out.println("[NodeCenterFramHandler] handle:" + action);
new ResultCallback() {
public void onResult(String ret) {
ae.handle(action, map, new ResultCallback() {
public void onResult(String ret) {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
response = new Response();
response.action = "onException";
@ -117,12 +104,9 @@ public class NodeCenterFrameHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<Object>
StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
int count = 0;
for (String s : strs) {
if (s.contains("sun.reflect")
|| s.contains("java.lang.reflect")
|| s.contains("org.apache")
|| s.contains("java.util")
|| s.contains("java.lang")
|| s.contains("io.netty")) {
if (s.contains("sun.reflect") || s.contains("java.lang.reflect")
|| s.contains("org.apache") || s.contains("java.util")
|| s.contains("java.lang") || s.contains("io.netty")) {
@ -140,7 +124,7 @@ public class NodeCenterFrameHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<Object>
if (ctx != null) {
// System.out.println("[NodeCenterFrame send] TID:" + Thread.currentThread().getId() + "
// isOpen:"
// + ctx.channel().isOpen() + " isActive:" + ctx.channel().isActive() + " -->" + json);
// + ctx.channel().isOpen() + " isActive:" + ctx.channel().isActive() + " -->" + json);
ByteBuf buf = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(json.getBytes());
@ -39,35 +39,29 @@ public class NodeCenterWSFrameHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<WebSoc
logActions = new LogActions(managerAction);
unitActions = new UnitActions(managerAction);
fileActions = new FileActions(this);
ae =
new ActionExecutor<ResultCallback, JsonObject>(
executorService, managerAction, logActions, unitActions, fileActions, new MetaIndexAction(), new TracingAction()) {
public boolean checkPermission(Action a, JsonObject arg, long permission) {
// Permission userPermission = a.userPermission();
// long val=userPermission.getValue();
long val = a.userPermission();
String pubKey = managerAction.getPubKey(null);
String action = arg.get("action").getAsString();
LOGGER.debug("permission" + permission);
LOGGER.debug("userPermission" + val);
+ action
+ "\",\"pubKey\":\""
+ pubKey
+ "\",\"date\":"
+ System.currentTimeMillis()
+ "}");
ae = new ActionExecutor<ResultCallback, JsonObject>(executorService, managerAction,
logActions, unitActions, fileActions, new MetaIndexAction(), new TracingAction()) {
public boolean checkPermission(Action a, JsonObject arg, long permission) {
// Permission userPermission = a.userPermission();
// long val=userPermission.getValue();
long val = a.userPermission();
String pubKey = managerAction.getPubKey(null);
String action = arg.get("action").getAsString();
LOGGER.debug("permission" + permission);
LOGGER.debug("userPermission" + val);
"{\"action\":\"" + action + "\",\"pubKey\":\"" + pubKey + "\",\"date\":"
+ System.currentTimeMillis() + "}");
// if (val == 0) return true;
// return true;
if ((permission & val) == val) {
return true;
} else return false;
// if (val == 0) return true;
// return true;
if ((permission & val) == val) {
return true;
} else
return false;
for (String str : wsPluginActions) {
Object obj = createInstanceByClzName(str);
@ -114,13 +108,13 @@ public class NodeCenterWSFrameHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<WebSoc
response.action = "sendNextSegment";
try {
boolean isSegment = false;
if (map.has("isSegment")) isSegment = map.get("isSegment").getAsBoolean();
if (map.has("isSegment"))
isSegment = map.get("isSegment").getAsBoolean();
if (isSegment) {
response = new Response();
response.action = "sendNextSegment";
.writeAndFlush(new TextWebSocketFrame(JsonUtil.toJson(response)));
ctx.channel().writeAndFlush(new TextWebSocketFrame(JsonUtil.toJson(response)));
} else {
if (dataCache.length() > 0) {
@ -133,32 +127,29 @@ public class NodeCenterWSFrameHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<WebSoc
String action = map.get("action").getAsString();
final JsonObject jmap = map;
new ResultCallback() {
public void onResult(Map jo) {
if (jmap.has("requestID")) {
jo.put("responseID", jmap.get("requestID"));
ae.handle(action, map, new ResultCallback() {
public void onResult(Map jo) {
if (jmap.has("requestID")) {
jo.put("responseID", jmap.get("requestID"));
public void onResult(JsonObject jo) {
if (jmap.has("requestID")) {
jo.add("responseID", jmap.get("requestID"));
public void onResult(JsonObject jo) {
if (jmap.has("requestID")) {
jo.add("responseID", jmap.get("requestID"));
public void onResult(String ret) {
if (ret != null)
ctx.channel().writeAndFlush(new TextWebSocketFrame(ret));
public void onResult(String ret) {
if (ret != null)
ctx.channel().writeAndFlush(new TextWebSocketFrame(ret));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
response = new Response();
response.action = "onException";
@ -175,15 +166,22 @@ public class NodeCenterWSFrameHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<WebSoc
String ret = "";
int count = 0;
for (String s : strs) {
if (s.contains("sun.reflect")) continue;
if (s.contains("java.lang.reflect")) continue;
if (s.contains("org.apache")) continue;
if (s.contains("java.util")) continue;
if (s.contains("java.lang")) continue;
if (s.contains("io.netty")) continue;
if (s.contains("sun.reflect"))
if (s.contains("java.lang.reflect"))
if (s.contains("org.apache"))
if (s.contains("java.util"))
if (s.contains("java.lang"))
if (s.contains("io.netty"))
ret += s;
ret += "\n";
if (count++ > 5) break;
if (count++ > 5)
response.data = ret;
ctx.channel().writeAndFlush(new TextWebSocketFrame(JsonUtil.toJson(response)));
@ -31,13 +31,12 @@ import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class OtherNCProxy {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(OtherNCProxy.class);
public static OtherNCProxy instance = new OtherNCProxy();
private final TreeMap<String, List<OtherNCInfo>> otherNodeCenterInfos = new TreeMap<>(); //key为NC节点的pubkey(非一致的)
public Map<String, NCConnector> connList = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); //连接别的NC key为ip:port
public Set<String> ncAdds = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet(); //其他NC的ip:port
public SM2KeyPair sm2; //NC证书
private final TreeMap<String, List<OtherNCInfo>> otherNodeCenterInfos = new TreeMap<>(); // key为NC节点的pubkey(非一致的)
public Map<String, NCConnector> connList = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); // 连接别的NC key为ip:port
public Set<String> ncAdds = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet(); // 其他NC的ip:port
public SM2KeyPair sm2; // NC证书
private OtherNCProxy() {
private OtherNCProxy() {}
// 从DB中加载OtherNC和NCFile的信息
public void init() {
@ -56,12 +55,8 @@ public class OtherNCProxy {
public void periodUpdate() {
() -> {
NodeCenterServer.scheduledThreadPool.scheduleWithFixedDelay(() -> {
}, 0, 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
public void loadOtherNCs() {
@ -134,7 +129,7 @@ public class OtherNCProxy {
return KeyValueDBUtil.instance.getValue(NCTables.NCFile.toString(), "filePath");
// 配置其他NC
public String setOtherNCs(String add) {
LOGGER.debug("setOtherNC: " + add);
@ -143,7 +138,7 @@ public class OtherNCProxy {
return getOtherNCs();
// 配置NC文件
public String setNCFile(String fileName) {
LOGGER.debug("setNCFIle: " + fileName);
@ -152,17 +147,18 @@ public class OtherNCProxy {
return getNCFile();
// 本地更新
public void updateOtherNCInfo(String nodePubkey, List<OtherNCInfo> list) {
LOGGER.debug("updateOtherNCInfo: ");
synchronized (otherNodeCenterInfos) {
otherNodeCenterInfos.put(nodePubkey, list);
LOGGER.debug("update route nodePubkey=" + nodePubkey + " list=" + JsonUtil.toJson(list));
"update route nodePubkey=" + nodePubkey + " list=" + JsonUtil.toJson(list));
// 通过合约id或name在别的nc上查询信息
public String search(String id) {
LOGGER.debug("search : " + id);
synchronized (otherNodeCenterInfos) {
@ -170,7 +166,8 @@ public class OtherNCProxy {
List<OtherNCInfo> list = otherNodeCenterInfos.get(pubKey);
for (OtherNCInfo info : list) {
if (info.contractID.equals(id) || info.contractName.equals(id)) {
LOGGER.debug("[OtherNCProxy] find contract " + id + "pubKey is " + pubKey + " master is " + info.master + " from other NC route info");
LOGGER.debug("[OtherNCProxy] find contract " + id + "pubKey is " + pubKey
+ " master is " + info.master + " from other NC route info");
return pubKey + ";" + info.master;
@ -179,7 +176,7 @@ public class OtherNCProxy {
// 向其他NC发起同步
public void requestUpdate() {
LOGGER.debug("sendUpdate: ");
for (String add : instance.ncAdds) {
@ -207,7 +204,8 @@ public class OtherNCProxy {
for (ContractDesp desp : node.contracts) {
if (desp.type == ContractExecType.Sole || desp.getIsMaster()) {
list.add(new OtherNCInfo(desp.contractID, desp.contractName, node.masterAddress));
list.add(new OtherNCInfo(desp.contractID, desp.contractName,
@ -227,22 +225,18 @@ public class OtherNCProxy {
NCConnector conn = new NCConnector(target, b, new NCClientHandler());
connList.put(target, conn);
new ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>() {
protected void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) {
ChannelPipeline p = ch.pipeline();
p.addLast(new DelimiterCodec()).addLast(conn.handler);
b.channel(NioSocketChannel.class).handler(new ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>() {
protected void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) {
ChannelPipeline p = ch.pipeline();
p.addLast(new DelimiterCodec()).addLast(conn.handler);
if (!conn.handler.isOpen()) {
String[] ipAndPort = target.split(":");
b.connect(ipAndPort[0], Integer.parseInt(ipAndPort[1]))
b.connect(ipAndPort[0], Integer.parseInt(ipAndPort[1])).sync().channel();
@ -257,10 +251,7 @@ public class OtherNCProxy {
NCConnector conn = connList.get(target);
if (!conn.handler.isOpen()) {
String[] ipAndPort = conn.ipAndPort.split(":");
.connect(ipAndPort[0], Integer.parseInt(ipAndPort[1]))
conn.bootstrap.connect(ipAndPort[0], Integer.parseInt(ipAndPort[1])).sync().channel();
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import java.io.PrintStream;
public class TracingAction {
private static JsonObject getDependentContract(JsonObject jo) {
// 考虑多层依赖
JsonObject result = new JsonObject();
JsonArray beDependent = new JsonArray();
String contractName = jo.get("contractName").getAsString();
@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ public class TracingAction {
} else {
if (desp.dependentContracts != null && desp.dependentContracts.contains(contractName)) {
if (desp.dependentContracts != null
&& desp.dependentContracts.contains(contractName)) {
@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ public class UnitActions {
private static String convertContractName(String contractID) {
ContractDesp desp = NodeCenterActions.getContractByName(contractID);
if (desp != null) return desp.contractID;
if (desp != null)
return desp.contractID;
return contractID;
@ -47,10 +48,8 @@ public class UnitActions {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
final String pubKey = managerAction.getPubKey(json);
List<KV> allunits = KeyValueDBUtil.instance.getKeyValues(NCTables.TrustUnitsDB.toString());
if (pubKey != null
&& KeyValueDBUtil.instance
.getValue(NCTables.ConfigDB.toString(), "__CenterManager__")
.contains(pubKey)) {
if (pubKey != null && KeyValueDBUtil.instance
.getValue(NCTables.ConfigDB.toString(), "__CenterManager__").contains(pubKey)) {
simpleReply(resultCallback, "onListTrustUnits", allunits);
LOGGER.debug("is center manager");
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
@ -75,10 +74,8 @@ public class UnitActions {
public void createTrustUnit(JsonObject json, ResultCallback resultCallback) {
final String pubKey = managerAction.getPubKey(json);
LOGGER.debug("[createTrustUnit] " + json.get("data").toString());
pubKey + "_" + json.get("msg").getAsString(),
pubKey + "_" + json.get("msg").getAsString(), json.get("data").toString());
Map<String, Object> ret = new HashMap<>();
ret.put("action", "onCreateTrustUnit");
ret.put("status", "Success");
@ -87,27 +84,23 @@ public class UnitActions {
@Action(userPermission = 1 << 6, async = true)
public void deleteTrustUnit(JsonObject json, ResultCallback resultCallback) {
// final String pubKey = managerAction.pubKey;
"[deleteTrustUnit] before"
+ KeyValueDBUtil.instance.getValue(
NCTables.TrustUnitsDB.toString(), json.get("data").getAsString()));
NCTables.TrustUnitsDB.toString(), json.get("data").getAsString());
"[deleteTrustUnit] after"
+ KeyValueDBUtil.instance.getValue(
NCTables.TrustUnitsDB.toString(), json.get("data").getAsString()));
// final String pubKey = managerAction.pubKey;
LOGGER.debug("[deleteTrustUnit] before" + KeyValueDBUtil.instance
.getValue(NCTables.TrustUnitsDB.toString(), json.get("data").getAsString()));
LOGGER.debug("[deleteTrustUnit] after" + KeyValueDBUtil.instance
.getValue(NCTables.TrustUnitsDB.toString(), json.get("data").getAsString()));
Map<String, Object> ret = new HashMap<>();
ret.put("action", "onDeleteTrustUnit");
ret.put("status", "Success");
// @Action(async = true)
// public void executeContract(JsonObject args, final ResultCallback rc) {
// executeContractTrustfully(args, rc);
// }
// @Action(async = true)
// public void executeContract(JsonObject args, final ResultCallback rc) {
// executeContractTrustfully(args, rc);
// }
@Action(async = true, userPermission = 1L << 6)
public void getNodeTrustUnits(JsonObject json, ResultCallback resultCallback) {
@ -124,89 +117,88 @@ public class UnitActions {
simpleReply(resultCallback, "onGetNodeTrustUnits", nodeunits);
// @Action(async = true, userPermission = 0)
// public void executeContractTrustfully(JsonObject args, final ResultCallback rc) {
// String contractID = args.get("contractID").getAsString();
// contractID = convertContractName(contractID);
// args.remove("contractID");
// args.addProperty("contractID", contractID);
// String requestID;
// if (!args.has("requestID")) {
// requestID = System.currentTimeMillis() + "_" + (int) (Math.random() * 10000);
// args.addProperty("requestID", requestID);
// } else requestID = args.get("requestID").getAsString();
// args.remove("action");
// args.addProperty("action", "executeContractTrustfully");
// MultiPointContractInfo mInfo = NodeCenterActions.contractID2Members.get(contractID);
// args.addProperty("seq", mInfo.getNextSeq());
// args.addProperty("needSeq", ContractType.needSeq(mInfo.type));
// List<String> nodes = mInfo.members;
// logger.debug("tid:" + Thread.currentThread().getId() + " contractID:" + contractID);
// if (nodes == null) {
// rc.onResult(
// "{\"status\":\"Error\",\"result\":\"can't locate contract\",\"action\":\"onExecuteContractTrustfully\"}");
// } else {
// mInfo.rcf.execute(requestID, rc, JsonUtil.toJson(args));
// }
// // add request cache,only for requestAll type contract
// if (ContractType.needSeq(mInfo.type)) {
// RequestCache reqc = NodeCenterActions.getCache(contractID);
// reqc.put(args.get("seq").getAsString(), args);
// }
// }
// @Action(async = true, userPermission = 0)
// public void executeContractTrustfully(JsonObject args, final ResultCallback rc) {
// String contractID = args.get("contractID").getAsString();
// contractID = convertContractName(contractID);
// args.remove("contractID");
// args.addProperty("contractID", contractID);
// String requestID;
// if (!args.has("requestID")) {
// requestID = System.currentTimeMillis() + "_" + (int) (Math.random() * 10000);
// args.addProperty("requestID", requestID);
// } else requestID = args.get("requestID").getAsString();
// args.remove("action");
// args.addProperty("action", "executeContractTrustfully");
// MultiPointContractInfo mInfo = NodeCenterActions.contractID2Members.get(contractID);
// args.addProperty("seq", mInfo.getNextSeq());
// args.addProperty("needSeq", ContractType.needSeq(mInfo.type));
// List<String> nodes = mInfo.members;
// logger.debug("tid:" + Thread.currentThread().getId() + " contractID:" + contractID);
// if (nodes == null) {
// rc.onResult(
// "{\"status\":\"Error\",\"result\":\"can't locate
// contract\",\"action\":\"onExecuteContractTrustfully\"}");
// } else {
// mInfo.rcf.execute(requestID, rc, JsonUtil.toJson(args));
// }
// // add request cache,only for requestAll type contract
// if (ContractType.needSeq(mInfo.type)) {
// RequestCache reqc = NodeCenterActions.getCache(contractID);
// reqc.put(args.get("seq").getAsString(), args);
// }
// }
//only for test ADSP
// public static void testExecuteContract(JsonObject args, final ResultCallback rc) {
// String contractID = args.get("contractID").getAsString();
// contractID = convertContractName(contractID);
// args.remove("contractID");
// args.addProperty("contractID", contractID);
// String requestID;
// if (!args.has("requestID")) {
// requestID = System.currentTimeMillis() + "_" + (int) (Math.random() * 10000);
// args.addProperty("requestID", requestID);
// } else requestID = args.get("requestID").getAsString();
// args.remove("action");
// args.addProperty("action", "executeContractTrustfully");
// MultiPointContractInfo mInfo = NodeCenterActions.contractID2Members.get(contractID);
// System.out.println("mInfo是空吗?" + mInfo == null);
// args.addProperty("seq", mInfo.getNextSeq());
// args.addProperty("needSeq", ContractType.needSeq(mInfo.type));
// List<String> nodes = mInfo.members;
// logger.debug("tid:" + Thread.currentThread().getId() + " contractID:" + contractID);
// if (nodes == null) {
// rc.onResult(
// "{\"status\":\"Error\",\"result\":\"can't locate contract\",\"action\":\"onExecuteContractTrustfully\"}");
// } else {
// mInfo.rcf.execute(requestID, rc, JsonUtil.toJson(args));
// }
// //add request cache,only for requestAll type contract
// if(ContractType.needSeq(mInfo.type)){
// RequestCache reqc = NodeCenterActions.getCache(contractID);
// reqc.put(args.get("seq").getAsString(),args);
// }
// }
// only for test ADSP
// public static void testExecuteContract(JsonObject args, final ResultCallback rc) {
// String contractID = args.get("contractID").getAsString();
// contractID = convertContractName(contractID);
// args.remove("contractID");
// args.addProperty("contractID", contractID);
// String requestID;
// if (!args.has("requestID")) {
// requestID = System.currentTimeMillis() + "_" + (int) (Math.random() * 10000);
// args.addProperty("requestID", requestID);
// } else requestID = args.get("requestID").getAsString();
// args.remove("action");
// args.addProperty("action", "executeContractTrustfully");
// MultiPointContractInfo mInfo = NodeCenterActions.contractID2Members.get(contractID);
// System.out.println("mInfo是空吗?" + mInfo == null);
// args.addProperty("seq", mInfo.getNextSeq());
// args.addProperty("needSeq", ContractType.needSeq(mInfo.type));
// List<String> nodes = mInfo.members;
// logger.debug("tid:" + Thread.currentThread().getId() + " contractID:" + contractID);
// if (nodes == null) {
// rc.onResult(
// "{\"status\":\"Error\",\"result\":\"can't locate
// contract\",\"action\":\"onExecuteContractTrustfully\"}");
// } else {
// mInfo.rcf.execute(requestID, rc, JsonUtil.toJson(args));
// }
// //add request cache,only for requestAll type contract
// if(ContractType.needSeq(mInfo.type)){
// RequestCache reqc = NodeCenterActions.getCache(contractID);
// reqc.put(args.get("seq").getAsString(),args);
// }
// }
@Action(async = true, userPermission = 1L << 6)
public void listContractProcess(JsonObject args, final ResultCallback rc) {
List<ContractDesp> info = new ArrayList<>();
"[contracts] "
+ JsonUtil.toPrettyJson(NodeCenterActions.nodeInfos));
+ JsonUtil.toPrettyJson(NodeCenterActions.contractID2Members));
LOGGER.debug("[contracts] " + JsonUtil.toPrettyJson(NodeCenterActions.nodeInfos));
LOGGER.debug("[cid2Nodes]" + JsonUtil.toPrettyJson(NodeCenterActions.contractID2Members));
for (String key : NodeCenterActions.contractID2Members.keySet()) {
ContractDesp desp = NodeCenterActions.getContractByID(key);
if (desp != null) info.add(desp);
if (desp != null)
simpleReply(rc, "onListContractProcess", JsonUtil.toJson(info));
@ -214,15 +206,12 @@ public class UnitActions {
@Action(userPermission = 1 << 6, async = true)
public void listMultiPointContractProcess(JsonObject json, ResultCallback resultCallback) {
List<ContractDesp> info = new ArrayList<>();
"[contracts] "
+ JsonUtil.toPrettyJson(NodeCenterActions.nodeInfos));
+ JsonUtil.toPrettyJson(NodeCenterActions.contractID2Members));
LOGGER.debug("[contracts] " + JsonUtil.toPrettyJson(NodeCenterActions.nodeInfos));
LOGGER.debug("[cid2Nodes]" + JsonUtil.toPrettyJson(NodeCenterActions.contractID2Members));
for (String key : NodeCenterActions.contractID2Members.keySet()) {
ContractDesp desp = NodeCenterActions.getContractByID(key);
if (desp != null) info.add(desp);
if (desp != null)
simpleReply(resultCallback, "onListMultiPointContractProcess", JsonUtil.toJson(info));
@ -251,7 +240,8 @@ public class UnitActions {
String[] strs = args.get("nodeIDs").getAsString().split(",");
Set<String> nodePubKeys = new HashSet<>(); // nodes' pubkey
for (String str : strs) {
if (str != null && str.length() > 0) nodePubKeys.add(str);
if (str != null && str.length() > 0)
Map<String, String> nodes = new HashMap<>(); // node's pubKey-node'a name
for (CMNode node : NodeCenterActions.nodeInfos.values()) {
@ -264,9 +254,8 @@ public class UnitActions {
simpleReply(rc, "onDistributeYPK", "empty nodes");
boolean result =
pubKey, "DistributeYPK|" + projectName + "|" + pubKey, signature);
boolean result = SM2Util.plainStrVerify(pubKey,
"DistributeYPK|" + projectName + "|" + pubKey, signature);
LOGGER.info("[UnitAcitons] 验签:" + result + " -> projectName:" + projectName);
String ypkType = projectName.split("_")[0];
@ -292,154 +281,154 @@ public class UnitActions {
// @Action(async = true, userPermission = 1L << 6)
// public void startContractMultiPoint(JsonObject args, final ResultCallback rc) {
// Map<String, String> request = new HashMap<String, String>();
// Contract contract = new Contract();
// if (args.has("type")) {
// contract.setType(ContractType.valueOf(args.get("type").getAsString()));
// }
// // this multiPointContractInfo problem
// MultiPointContractInfo multiPointContractInfo = new MultiPointContractInfo();
// multiPointContractInfo.type = contract.getType();
// logger.debug("startContractMultiPoint:");
// logger.debug(JsonUtil.toPrettyJson(args));
// if (args.has("script")) contract.setScript(args.get("script").getAsString());
// else if (args.has("path")) contract.setScript(args.get("path").getAsString());
// else if (args.has("projectName"))
// contract.setScript("/" + args.get("projectName").getAsString());
// // contract.setScript("/" + args.get("projectName").getAsString() + "/manifest.json");
// SM2 sm2 = new SM2();
// SM2KeyPair sm2Key = sm2.generateKeyPair();
// contract.setID(sm2Key.getPublicKeyStr().hashCode() + "");
// contract.setKey(sm2Key.getPrivateKey().toString(16));
// contract.setPublicKey(sm2Key.getPublicKeyStr());
// contract.setNodeCenterRepoDOI(DOIPMainServer4NC.repoIdentifier);
// // 多点合约部署时,由NC预先注册一个DOI以备使用
// if (DoConfig.openContractDORegister) {
// try {
// HandleService hs = new HandleService(HandleServiceUtils.hrRegister);
// String tmpDOI = hs.registerContract(DOIPMainServer4NC.repoIdentifier);
// if (tmpDOI == "" || tmpDOI == null)
// contract.setDOI("RegisterFailed");
// else
// contract.setDOI(tmpDOI);
// }
// catch (Exception e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// contract.setDOI("RegisterFailed");
// }
// }
// String[] nodeNames =
// args.get("peersID").getAsString().split(","); // all nodes' peerID in the unit
// Set<String> nodeNameSet = new HashSet<>(); // nodes' peerID
// for (String str : nodeNames) {
// if (str != null && str.length() > 0) nodeNameSet.add(str);
// }
// List<String> udpids = new ArrayList<>(); // nodes' udpID in the unit
// for (CMNode node : NodeCenterActions.nodeinfos.values()) {
// if (nodeNameSet.contains(node.nodeName)) {
// udpids.add(node.udpID);
// }
// }
// final long curr = System.currentTimeMillis();
// String requestID = curr + "_" + (int) (Math.random() * 10000);
// NodeCenterActions.ResultCollector collector =
// new NodeCenterActions.ResultCollector(
// requestID,
// new ResultCallback() {
// @Override
// public void onResult(String str) {
// Map<String, String> ret = new HashMap<>();
// ret.put("action", "onStartContractTrustfullyResult");
// ret.put("data", str);
// ret.put("executionTime", (System.currentTimeMillis() - curr) + "");
// rc.onResult(JsonUtil.toJson(ret));
// }
// },
// udpids.size());
// NodeCenterActions.sync.sleepWithTimeout(requestID, collector, 20);
// // ArrayList<String> udpids=gson.fromJson(args.get("members"),
// // new TypeToken<ArrayList<String>>(){}.getType());
// Map<String, String> members = new HashMap<>(); // nodes' <udpID,udpAddress>
// for (int i = 0; i < udpids.size(); i++) {
// members.put(
// udpids.get(i),
// NodeCenterActions.runner.getUDPAddr(Integer.valueOf(udpids.get(i)))
// + ":"
// + (i == 0)); // regard the first node as the master in the unit
// }
// List<String> nodes = new ArrayList<>(); // nodes' pubKey
// for (CMNode node : NodeCenterActions.nodeinfos.values()) {
// if (nodeNameSet.contains(node.nodeName)) {
// nodes.add(node.pubKey);
// }
// }
// request.put("memberStr", JsonUtil.toJson(members));
// request.put("isPrivate", args.get("isPrivate").getAsString());
// request.put("pubKey", managerAction.pubKey);
// request.put("action", "startContractTrustfully");
// request.put("requestID", requestID);
// multiPointContractInfo.members = nodes;
// contract.setNumOfCopies(1);
// switch (multiPointContractInfo.type) {
// case Sole:
// logger.debug("Can't support Solo in multi-point mode");
// return;
// case RequestOnce:
// multiPointContractInfo.rcf = new RequestOnceExecutor(multiPointContractInfo);
// break;
// case ResponseOnce:
// multiPointContractInfo.rcf = new ResponseOnceExecutor(multiPointContractInfo);
// break;
// case RequestAllResponseFirst:
// multiPointContractInfo.rcf = new RequestAllExecutor(multiPointContractInfo, 1);
// contract.setNumOfCopies(nodes.size());
// break;
// case RequestAllResponseHalf:
// multiPointContractInfo.rcf =
// new RequestAllExecutor(multiPointContractInfo, nodes.size() / 2 + 1);
// contract.setNumOfCopies(nodes.size());
// break;
// case RequestAllResponseAll:
// multiPointContractInfo.rcf =
// new RequestAllExecutor(multiPointContractInfo, nodes.size());
// contract.setNumOfCopies(nodes.size());
// break;
// }
// NodeCenterActions.contractID2Members.put(contract.getID(), multiPointContractInfo);
// request.put("contractStr", JsonUtil.toJson(contract));
// String startReq = JsonUtil.toJson(request);
// logger.debug("启动合约:" + startReq);
// for (String nodeID : nodes) {
// CMNode node;
// node = NodeCenterActions.nodeinfos.get(nodeID);
// node.connection.controller.sendMsg(startReq);
// if (!NodeCenterActions.recoverMap.containsKey(nodeID)) {
// NodeCenterActions.recoverMap.put(nodeID, new ConcurrentHashMap<>());
// }
// ContractRecord record = new ContractRecord(contract.getID());
// record.members = new HashMap<>(members);
// NodeCenterActions.recoverMap.get(nodeID).put(contract.getID(), record);
// }
// rc.onResult(
// "{\"status\":\"Success\",\"result\":\""
// + contract.getID()
// + "\",\"action\":\"onStartTrustfulContract\"}");
// }
// @Action(async = true, userPermission = 1L << 6)
// public void startContractMultiPoint(JsonObject args, final ResultCallback rc) {
// Map<String, String> request = new HashMap<String, String>();
// Contract contract = new Contract();
// if (args.has("type")) {
// contract.setType(ContractType.valueOf(args.get("type").getAsString()));
// }
// // this multiPointContractInfo problem
// MultiPointContractInfo multiPointContractInfo = new MultiPointContractInfo();
// multiPointContractInfo.type = contract.getType();
// logger.debug("startContractMultiPoint:");
// logger.debug(JsonUtil.toPrettyJson(args));
// if (args.has("script")) contract.setScript(args.get("script").getAsString());
// else if (args.has("path")) contract.setScript(args.get("path").getAsString());
// else if (args.has("projectName"))
// contract.setScript("/" + args.get("projectName").getAsString());
// // contract.setScript("/" + args.get("projectName").getAsString() + "/manifest.json");
// SM2 sm2 = new SM2();
// SM2KeyPair sm2Key = sm2.generateKeyPair();
// contract.setID(sm2Key.getPublicKeyStr().hashCode() + "");
// contract.setKey(sm2Key.getPrivateKey().toString(16));
// contract.setPublicKey(sm2Key.getPublicKeyStr());
// contract.setNodeCenterRepoDOI(DOIPMainServer4NC.repoIdentifier);
// // 多点合约部署时,由NC预先注册一个DOI以备使用
// if (DoConfig.openContractDORegister) {
// try {
// HandleService hs = new HandleService(HandleServiceUtils.hrRegister);
// String tmpDOI = hs.registerContract(DOIPMainServer4NC.repoIdentifier);
// if (tmpDOI == "" || tmpDOI == null)
// contract.setDOI("RegisterFailed");
// else
// contract.setDOI(tmpDOI);
// }
// catch (Exception e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// contract.setDOI("RegisterFailed");
// }
// }
// String[] nodeNames =
// args.get("peersID").getAsString().split(","); // all nodes' peerID in the unit
// Set<String> nodeNameSet = new HashSet<>(); // nodes' peerID
// for (String str : nodeNames) {
// if (str != null && str.length() > 0) nodeNameSet.add(str);
// }
// List<String> udpids = new ArrayList<>(); // nodes' udpID in the unit
// for (CMNode node : NodeCenterActions.nodeinfos.values()) {
// if (nodeNameSet.contains(node.nodeName)) {
// udpids.add(node.udpID);
// }
// }
// final long curr = System.currentTimeMillis();
// String requestID = curr + "_" + (int) (Math.random() * 10000);
// NodeCenterActions.ResultCollector collector =
// new NodeCenterActions.ResultCollector(
// requestID,
// new ResultCallback() {
// @Override
// public void onResult(String str) {
// Map<String, String> ret = new HashMap<>();
// ret.put("action", "onStartContractTrustfullyResult");
// ret.put("data", str);
// ret.put("executionTime", (System.currentTimeMillis() - curr) + "");
// rc.onResult(JsonUtil.toJson(ret));
// }
// },
// udpids.size());
// NodeCenterActions.sync.sleepWithTimeout(requestID, collector, 20);
// // ArrayList<String> udpids=gson.fromJson(args.get("members"),
// // new TypeToken<ArrayList<String>>(){}.getType());
// Map<String, String> members = new HashMap<>(); // nodes' <udpID,udpAddress>
// for (int i = 0; i < udpids.size(); i++) {
// members.put(
// udpids.get(i),
// NodeCenterActions.runner.getUDPAddr(Integer.valueOf(udpids.get(i)))
// + ":"
// + (i == 0)); // regard the first node as the master in the unit
// }
// List<String> nodes = new ArrayList<>(); // nodes' pubKey
// for (CMNode node : NodeCenterActions.nodeinfos.values()) {
// if (nodeNameSet.contains(node.nodeName)) {
// nodes.add(node.pubKey);
// }
// }
// request.put("memberStr", JsonUtil.toJson(members));
// request.put("isPrivate", args.get("isPrivate").getAsString());
// request.put("pubKey", managerAction.pubKey);
// request.put("action", "startContractTrustfully");
// request.put("requestID", requestID);
// multiPointContractInfo.members = nodes;
// contract.setNumOfCopies(1);
// switch (multiPointContractInfo.type) {
// case Sole:
// logger.debug("Can't support Solo in multi-point mode");
// return;
// case RequestOnce:
// multiPointContractInfo.rcf = new RequestOnceExecutor(multiPointContractInfo);
// break;
// case ResponseOnce:
// multiPointContractInfo.rcf = new ResponseOnceExecutor(multiPointContractInfo);
// break;
// case RequestAllResponseFirst:
// multiPointContractInfo.rcf = new RequestAllExecutor(multiPointContractInfo, 1);
// contract.setNumOfCopies(nodes.size());
// break;
// case RequestAllResponseHalf:
// multiPointContractInfo.rcf =
// new RequestAllExecutor(multiPointContractInfo, nodes.size() / 2 + 1);
// contract.setNumOfCopies(nodes.size());
// break;
// case RequestAllResponseAll:
// multiPointContractInfo.rcf =
// new RequestAllExecutor(multiPointContractInfo, nodes.size());
// contract.setNumOfCopies(nodes.size());
// break;
// }
// NodeCenterActions.contractID2Members.put(contract.getID(), multiPointContractInfo);
// request.put("contractStr", JsonUtil.toJson(contract));
// String startReq = JsonUtil.toJson(request);
// logger.debug("启动合约:" + startReq);
// for (String nodeID : nodes) {
// CMNode node;
// node = NodeCenterActions.nodeinfos.get(nodeID);
// node.connection.controller.sendMsg(startReq);
// if (!NodeCenterActions.recoverMap.containsKey(nodeID)) {
// NodeCenterActions.recoverMap.put(nodeID, new ConcurrentHashMap<>());
// }
// ContractRecord record = new ContractRecord(contract.getID());
// record.members = new HashMap<>(members);
// NodeCenterActions.recoverMap.get(nodeID).put(contract.getID(), record);
// }
// rc.onResult(
// "{\"status\":\"Success\",\"result\":\""
// + contract.getID()
// + "\",\"action\":\"onStartTrustfulContract\"}");
// }
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public class PermissionHelper {
public void listClusterHttpAction() {
ActionExecutor<ResultCallback, JsonObject> ae = NCHttpHandler.getActionExecutor();
ActionExecutor<ResultCallback, JsonObject> ae = NCHttpHandler.getActionExecutor();
Map<String, ActionExecutor.Pair<Method, Object>> handlers = ae.getHandlers();
EnumSet<Role> set = EnumSet.allOf(Role.class);
@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ public class PermissionHelper {
printActions(handlers, set);
private void printActions(
Map<String, ActionExecutor.Pair<Method, Object>> handlers, EnumSet<Role> set) {
private void printActions(Map<String, ActionExecutor.Pair<Method, Object>> handlers,
EnumSet<Role> set) {
List<Line> lines = new ArrayList<>();
for (String str : handlers.keySet()) {
Method m = handlers.get(str).first();
@ -56,23 +56,23 @@ public class PermissionHelper {
l.permission = a.userPermission();
l.roles = "";
for (Role r : set)
if ((r.getValue() & l.permission) == l.permission) l.roles += r.name() + ";";
if (l.roles.equals("CenterManager;NodeManager;Node;Anonymous;")) l.roles = "任意角色";
if ((r.getValue() & l.permission) == l.permission)
l.roles += r.name() + ";";
if (l.roles.equals("CenterManager;NodeManager;Node;Anonymous;"))
l.roles = "任意角色";
new Comparator<Line>() {
public int compare(Line o1, Line o2) {
return o1.action.compareTo(o2.action);
new Comparator<Line>() {
public int compare(Line o1, Line o2) {
return o1.roles.compareTo(o2.roles);
lines.sort(new Comparator<Line>() {
public int compare(Line o1, Line o2) {
return o1.action.compareTo(o2.action);
lines.sort(new Comparator<Line>() {
public int compare(Line o1, Line o2) {
return o1.roles.compareTo(o2.roles);
Gson g = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create();
for (Line l : lines) {
@ -18,8 +18,7 @@ public class TestServer {
public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
.writeAndFlush("ACTIVE from Server")
ctx.channel().writeAndFlush("ACTIVE from Server")
.addListener(future -> LOGGER.info("Active Send Done!!"));
@ -1,192 +1,201 @@
package org.bdware.bdserver.test;
public class TestADSP {
// public static Map<String,String> nodes = new HashMap<String,String>();
// private static volatile Boolean flag = false;
// private static int totalRequest = 10;
// private static int nodeCount = 5;
// public static String resultPath = "./testADSP/" + "result.txt";
// public static String contractID = "counter";
// public static String action = "executeContract";
// public static String pubkey = "0480204f4ef341359a5f64fcb11baf9ca2e6706ac20cba36ca83066870cf2c1d5de6df67e24e68dde7934af9b31d94a6084281db3d32d5ce42ab8f75bf799aca05";
// public static String operation = "count";
// public static String arg = "1";
// public static String priKey = "63464fa9587bbf2a022b3d655f4ed49c7d9a4249de1079d52bd5a1fec3308719";
// public static String signature = "dfd07c00c5c89fb0f901bed132db4342f49f4560f34c15878636623d2a8716a2c93ad32eeb9ee9c4f1d905df292cb4a1a27aa0171f2856848ce07cfc8022e809";
// public static List<String> crashSeries = new ArrayList<String>();
// public static AtomicInteger crashIndex = new AtomicInteger();
// public static ConcurrentSet<String> crashSet = new ConcurrentSet<String>();
// public static ConcurrentSet<String> recover = new ConcurrentSet<String>();
// public static TestTask tt;
// public static int period = 3000;
// static{
// getSig();
// nodes.put("zyx's book","0440023d13facddcefbd87f2bb622b1b2b6ca43eb84c0579b82450814233ce557bd7ad7852cd47f1d6df867c5413ecf3dd1954cdbf5a6da683e3a89095f091d83d");
// nodes.put("localNode1","0480f783cf63294224afbd19e175e5c7ea0c5c60ee115ed9e114fe2691eb28cc1680e5fec532d64c80d2f6b737e8b43b94d5a9c73206ac6235c50ff992133e4d38");
// nodes.put("localNode2","044e0c127e24407ee8a8abd4fe507b32b340ce9775317b8d7b5bb8e182745d6a45c57aaf867d80a5f816a7561564f9294c6aee5916f95e93c0011e16c28b9e849a");
// nodes.put("localNode3","0485040cfd94bec672bb8ba184856188963ee4ad339d247a76e2d9819f20e61bfad24ec763b1371998583f9dc0cf55c4d53cb1a2ec84c67aed1aa5203cc84fc78f");
// nodes.put("localNode4","");
// nodes.put("localNode5","");
// //生成崩溃序列
// crashSeries.clear();
// for(int i = 1;i <= totalRequest;i++){
// int temp = i % nodeCount;
// if(temp == 0)
// temp = nodeCount;
// crashSeries.add("crash localNode" + temp);
// crashSeries.add("recover localNode" + temp);
// }
// System.out.println("崩溃序列" + crashSeries.size());
// Timer timer = new Timer();
// tt = new TestTask();
// timer.schedule(tt, new Date(), period);
// }
// static class TestTask extends TimerTask {
// @Override
// public void run() {
// if(TestADSP.getFlag()){
// int index = TestADSP.crashIndex.getAndIncrement();
// System.out.println("[TestADSP] index=" + TestADSP.crashIndex.get());
// String[] crash = TestADSP.crashSeries.get(index).split(" ");
// String pubKey = convertNameToPubkey(crash[1]);
// switch (crash[0]){
// case "crash":
// if(pubKey != null){
// System.out.println("[TestADSP] 令节点 " + crash[1] + "崩溃");
// System.out.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())));
// crashSet.add(pubKey);
// }
// break;
// case "recover":
// if(pubKey != null){
// if(crashSet.contains(pubKey)){
// crashSet.remove(pubKey);
// }
// recover.add(pubKey);
// System.out.println("[TestADSP] 令节点 " + crash[1] + "上线");
// System.out.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())));
// }
// break;
// default:
// break;
// }
// try {
// Thread.sleep(period / 2);
// } catch (InterruptedException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// System.out.println("[TestADSP]发起请求 " + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())));
// JsonObject jo = new JsonObject();
// jo.addProperty("action", TestADSP.action);
// jo.addProperty("contractID", TestADSP.contractID);
// jo.addProperty("operation", TestADSP.operation);
// jo.addProperty("arg", TestADSP.arg);
// jo.addProperty("pubkey",TestADSP.pubkey);
// jo.addProperty("signature",TestADSP.signature);
// UnitActions.testExecuteContract(jo,null);
// if(index == (TestADSP.crashSeries.size() - 1)){
// System.out.println("测试停止!");
// TestADSP.setFlag(false);
// //TestADSP.check();
// }
// }//if
// }
// }
// public static boolean getFlag(){
// boolean temp;
// synchronized (flag){
// temp = flag;
// }
// return temp;
// }
// public static void setFlag(boolean temp){
// synchronized (flag){
// flag = temp;
// System.out.println("[TestADSP]设置flag为" + flag);
// }
// }
// public static void getSig(){
// String temp = contractID + "|" + operation + "|" + arg + "|" + pubkey;
// SM2 sm2 = new SM2();
// signature = sm2.sign(temp.getBytes(),priKey).toString();
// }
// //查看结果输出文件
// public static void check() {
// tt.cancel();
// int correct = 0;
// int incorrect = 0;
// int unavailable = 0;
// int fileTotal = 0;
// File file = new File("./front-cluster/testADSP/result.txt");
// System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath());
// StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
// try{
// BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), "UTF-8"));//构造一个BufferedReader类来读取文件
// String s = null;
// while((s = br.readLine())!=null){//使用readLine方法,一次读一行
// if(!s.equals("")){
// fileTotal++;
// String str[] = s.split(" ");
// if(str[1].equals((Integer.parseInt(str[0]) + 1) + ".0")){
// correct++;
// }else{
// incorrect++;
// }
// }
// }
// br.close();
// }catch(Exception e){
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// unavailable = totalRequest * 2 - fileTotal;
// System.out.println("共有" + totalRequest * 2 + "次请求,其中" + correct + "正确," + incorrect + "不正确," + unavailable + "不可用.");
// }
// public static String convertNameToPubkey(String nodeName){
// return nodes.get(nodeName);
// }
// public static String convertPubKeyToName(String pubkey){
// for(String key : nodes.keySet()){
// if(nodes.get(key).equals(pubkey)){
// return key;
// }
// }
// return null;
// }
// public static void main(String[] args){
// check();
// }
// public static Map<String,String> nodes = new HashMap<String,String>();
// private static volatile Boolean flag = false;
// private static int totalRequest = 10;
// private static int nodeCount = 5;
// public static String resultPath = "./testADSP/" + "result.txt";
// public static String contractID = "counter";
// public static String action = "executeContract";
// public static String pubkey =
// "0480204f4ef341359a5f64fcb11baf9ca2e6706ac20cba36ca83066870cf2c1d5de6df67e24e68dde7934af9b31d94a6084281db3d32d5ce42ab8f75bf799aca05";
// public static String operation = "count";
// public static String arg = "1";
// public static String priKey =
// "63464fa9587bbf2a022b3d655f4ed49c7d9a4249de1079d52bd5a1fec3308719";
// public static String signature =
// "dfd07c00c5c89fb0f901bed132db4342f49f4560f34c15878636623d2a8716a2c93ad32eeb9ee9c4f1d905df292cb4a1a27aa0171f2856848ce07cfc8022e809";
// public static List<String> crashSeries = new ArrayList<String>();
// public static AtomicInteger crashIndex = new AtomicInteger();
// public static ConcurrentSet<String> crashSet = new ConcurrentSet<String>();
// public static ConcurrentSet<String> recover = new ConcurrentSet<String>();
// public static TestTask tt;
// public static int period = 3000;
// static{
// getSig();
// nodes.put("zyx's
// book","0440023d13facddcefbd87f2bb622b1b2b6ca43eb84c0579b82450814233ce557bd7ad7852cd47f1d6df867c5413ecf3dd1954cdbf5a6da683e3a89095f091d83d");
// nodes.put("localNode1","0480f783cf63294224afbd19e175e5c7ea0c5c60ee115ed9e114fe2691eb28cc1680e5fec532d64c80d2f6b737e8b43b94d5a9c73206ac6235c50ff992133e4d38");
// nodes.put("localNode2","044e0c127e24407ee8a8abd4fe507b32b340ce9775317b8d7b5bb8e182745d6a45c57aaf867d80a5f816a7561564f9294c6aee5916f95e93c0011e16c28b9e849a");
// nodes.put("localNode3","0485040cfd94bec672bb8ba184856188963ee4ad339d247a76e2d9819f20e61bfad24ec763b1371998583f9dc0cf55c4d53cb1a2ec84c67aed1aa5203cc84fc78f");
// nodes.put("localNode4","");
// nodes.put("localNode5","");
// //生成崩溃序列
// crashSeries.clear();
// for(int i = 1;i <= totalRequest;i++){
// int temp = i % nodeCount;
// if(temp == 0)
// temp = nodeCount;
// crashSeries.add("crash localNode" + temp);
// crashSeries.add("recover localNode" + temp);
// }
// System.out.println("崩溃序列" + crashSeries.size());
// Timer timer = new Timer();
// tt = new TestTask();
// timer.schedule(tt, new Date(), period);
// }
// static class TestTask extends TimerTask {
// @Override
// public void run() {
// if(TestADSP.getFlag()){
// int index = TestADSP.crashIndex.getAndIncrement();
// System.out.println("[TestADSP] index=" + TestADSP.crashIndex.get());
// String[] crash = TestADSP.crashSeries.get(index).split(" ");
// String pubKey = convertNameToPubkey(crash[1]);
// switch (crash[0]){
// case "crash":
// if(pubKey != null){
// System.out.println("[TestADSP] 令节点 " + crash[1] + "崩溃");
// System.out.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new
// Date(System.currentTimeMillis())));
// crashSet.add(pubKey);
// }
// break;
// case "recover":
// if(pubKey != null){
// if(crashSet.contains(pubKey)){
// crashSet.remove(pubKey);
// }
// recover.add(pubKey);
// System.out.println("[TestADSP] 令节点 " + crash[1] + "上线");
// System.out.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new
// Date(System.currentTimeMillis())));
// }
// break;
// default:
// break;
// }
// try {
// Thread.sleep(period / 2);
// } catch (InterruptedException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// System.out.println("[TestADSP]发起请求 " + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new
// Date(System.currentTimeMillis())));
// JsonObject jo = new JsonObject();
// jo.addProperty("action", TestADSP.action);
// jo.addProperty("contractID", TestADSP.contractID);
// jo.addProperty("operation", TestADSP.operation);
// jo.addProperty("arg", TestADSP.arg);
// jo.addProperty("pubkey",TestADSP.pubkey);
// jo.addProperty("signature",TestADSP.signature);
// UnitActions.testExecuteContract(jo,null);
// if(index == (TestADSP.crashSeries.size() - 1)){
// System.out.println("测试停止!");
// TestADSP.setFlag(false);
// //TestADSP.check();
// }
// }//if
// }
// }
// public static boolean getFlag(){
// boolean temp;
// synchronized (flag){
// temp = flag;
// }
// return temp;
// }
// public static void setFlag(boolean temp){
// synchronized (flag){
// flag = temp;
// System.out.println("[TestADSP]设置flag为" + flag);
// }
// }
// public static void getSig(){
// String temp = contractID + "|" + operation + "|" + arg + "|" + pubkey;
// SM2 sm2 = new SM2();
// signature = sm2.sign(temp.getBytes(),priKey).toString();
// }
// //查看结果输出文件
// public static void check() {
// tt.cancel();
// int correct = 0;
// int incorrect = 0;
// int unavailable = 0;
// int fileTotal = 0;
// File file = new File("./front-cluster/testADSP/result.txt");
// System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath());
// StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
// try{
// BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file),
// "UTF-8"));//构造一个BufferedReader类来读取文件
// String s = null;
// while((s = br.readLine())!=null){//使用readLine方法,一次读一行
// if(!s.equals("")){
// fileTotal++;
// String str[] = s.split(" ");
// if(str[1].equals((Integer.parseInt(str[0]) + 1) + ".0")){
// correct++;
// }else{
// incorrect++;
// }
// }
// }
// br.close();
// }catch(Exception e){
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// unavailable = totalRequest * 2 - fileTotal;
// System.out.println("共有" + totalRequest * 2 + "次请求,其中" + correct + "正确," + incorrect + "不正确,"
// + unavailable + "不可用.");
// }
// public static String convertNameToPubkey(String nodeName){
// return nodes.get(nodeName);
// }
// public static String convertPubKeyToName(String pubkey){
// for(String key : nodes.keySet()){
// if(nodes.get(key).equals(pubkey)){
// return key;
// }
// }
// return null;
// }
// public static void main(String[] args){
// check();
// }
@ -32,44 +32,44 @@ public class TestSearch {
public void testIndexSearch() throws Exception {
//1. 创建分词器(对搜索的关键词进行分词使用)
//注意: 分词器要和创建索引的时候使用的分词器一模一样
// 1. 创建分词器(对搜索的关键词进行分词使用)
// 注意: 分词器要和创建索引的时候使用的分词器一模一样
Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer();
//2. 创建查询对象,
//第一个参数: 默认查询域, 如果查询的关键字中带搜索的域名, 则从指定域中查询, 如果不带域名则从, 默认搜索域中查询
//第二个参数: 使用的分词器
// 2. 创建查询对象,
// 第一个参数: 默认查询域, 如果查询的关键字中带搜索的域名, 则从指定域中查询, 如果不带域名则从, 默认搜索域中查询
// 第二个参数: 使用的分词器
QueryParser queryParser = new QueryParser("name", analyzer);
//3. 设置搜索关键词
//华 OR 为 手 机
// 3. 设置搜索关键词
// 华 OR 为 手 机
Query query = queryParser.parse("华为手机");
//4. 创建Directory目录对象, 指定索引库的位置
// 4. 创建Directory目录对象, 指定索引库的位置
Directory dir = FSDirectory.open(Paths.get("E:\\dir"));
//5. 创建输入流对象
// 5. 创建输入流对象
IndexReader indexReader = DirectoryReader.open(dir);
//6. 创建搜索对象
// 6. 创建搜索对象
IndexSearcher indexSearcher = new IndexSearcher(indexReader);
//7. 搜索, 并返回结果
//第二个参数: 是返回多少条数据用于展示, 分页使用
// 7. 搜索, 并返回结果
// 第二个参数: 是返回多少条数据用于展示, 分页使用
TopDocs topDocs = indexSearcher.search(query, 10);
//获取查询到的结果集的总数, 打印
// 获取查询到的结果集的总数, 打印
System.out.println("=======count=======" + topDocs.totalHits);
//8. 获取结果集
// 8. 获取结果集
ScoreDoc[] scoreDocs = topDocs.scoreDocs;
//9. 遍历结果集
// 9. 遍历结果集
if (scoreDocs != null) {
for (ScoreDoc scoreDoc : scoreDocs) {
//获取查询到的文档唯一标识, 文档id, 这个id是lucene在创建文档的时候自动分配的
int docID = scoreDoc.doc;
//通过文档id, 读取文档
// 获取查询到的文档唯一标识, 文档id, 这个id是lucene在创建文档的时候自动分配的
int docID = scoreDoc.doc;
// 通过文档id, 读取文档
Document doc = indexSearcher.doc(docID);
//通过域名, 从文档中获取域值
// 通过域名, 从文档中获取域值
System.out.println("===id==" + doc.get("id"));
System.out.println("===name==" + doc.get("name"));
System.out.println("===price==" + doc.get("price"));
@ -79,6 +79,6 @@ public class TestSearch {
//10. 关闭流
// 10. 关闭流
Reference in New Issue
Block a user